Connect: Foundation

Important Dates:

Wednesdays- ALL Preps have library on Wednesday in Term 3 and 4.

Mondays (Every Fortnight)- Cheese toasties sold at recess for $2.00 

Tuesdays- Popcorn sold at recess for $1.00

1st September-Father’s Day Breakfast

14th September- Footy Day and Pie Day

15th September- Last day of term, 2:30pm finish


Our Learning:


Students will be learning the blends ch and th. Students will be writing words such as chin, chick, branch, chest, trash, thin, thick, and thong. We will be writing facts from the non fiction books we have read and publishing them in our neatest handwriting.



In the coming weeks we will be learning the Heart words ‘are’ and ‘have’. So far this term we have learnt the words he, she, her, his, too, they, and went. We will be learning the blends ‘ch’ and ‘th’. Students will be reading sentences such as, ‘Tim has a red check vest.' 'I have a hunch the chimp will pinch my lunch.'

Here is a link to our Phonics song:



We will continue to focus on ‘sharing’ and emphasise sharing counters one at a time so that you end up with equal groups. We will also explore teen numbers, beginning with numbers 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,18, and 19. Once children grasp that teen numbers are one ten and some ones, they will be introduced to numbers 11 and 12. Children learn important maths concepts through play. Here is a link to a Maths game you could play at home:


Game title: 5 in a Row



During Wellbeing we will be discussing what triggers could lead to the Blue, Yellow or Red Zones. Students will work on problem solving skills that could help them avoid triggers. Students will gain an awareness that they are more successful if they can stay in the Green Zone.



Students can log into Reading Eggs and Mathletics at home. Login details are pasted at the back of the Boomerang book. These are a great resource for children to practise phonics and explore maths. 


We have noticed there are many children who come to school with laces. If they can't tie their laces, it is recommended they have velcro shoes. Here is a video to assist with learning to tie laces.


Swimming Week 

The children had an exciting, energetic week at swimming! They learnt to be confident and safe around water. Our students especially enjoyed learning how to wear life jackets. They developed their independence and proved to themselves they can do something when they put their mind to it. As teachers, we are so proud of their efforts.

Book Week Parade

The children were super excited to parade in their gorgeous Book Week costumes. There were such a variety of wonderful costumes and lots of photos were taken! The children enjoyed sharing who their character was and which story they featured in. 

Buddy Activity

The Preps enjoyed having the Year 5s visit them on Wednesday. The Year 5 students read a story to the the Preps and created some beautiful artwork together using water paint.