Senior School News Yr 5/6

Dear Parents and Guardians,


Welcome to the 2025 school year! We are thrilled to begin this journey with your children in Year 5/6. For those who may not know us, we are Mr. Brophy and Mrs. Cua (Fridays) in 5/6BC, and Miss Perrin in 5/6P. 


We are excited to create a positive and engaging learning environment where students feel supported, challenged, and inspired and can’t wait for you to follow us along on this journey.


The first couple of weeks has been filled with energy and excitement as we settle into routines and get to know each other. Our focus has been on building strong relationships through team-building activities, collaborative challenges and class discussions. 

Students have enjoyed activities designed to develop teamwork, problem-solving skills, and a sense of belonging within our classroom community. It has been wonderful to see their enthusiasm and willingness to support one another.

Looking ahead, one of the biggest highlights of Term 1 is our Canberra Camp in Week 4 (Monday to Friday). This will be an incredible opportunity for students to deepen their understanding of Australia’s history and government whilst creating lifelong memories with their peers. 


Week 2February 7 (Friday)Whole school mass at Our Lady of Victories
Week 3February 14 (Friday)School photo day
Week 4February 17 - 21 (Monday to Friday)Canberra Study Tour
Week 5

February 25 (Tuesday)




February 26 (Wednesday)

Inform and Empower Cyber Safety Incursion (9:15 am)



District Swimming

Parent Information Night

Week 6

March 3 (Monday)


March 5 (Wednesday)


March 7 (Friday)

Labour Day


Ash Wednesday Mass


School closure

Week 7

March 12 (Wednesday)



March 14 (Friday)


March 16 (Sunday)

NAPLAN Writing

Open Day


NAPLAN Mathematics


Year 3 and 5 Family Mass at 5 pm

Week 8

March 17 - 21 (Monday to Friday)


March 18 - 24 (Tuesday - Tuesday Week 9)

Catholic Education Week



Harmony Week

Week 9  
Week 10

April 2 (Wednesday)


April 3 (Thursday)


April 4 (Friday)

End of Term Mass


Year 5/6 Gala Day


End of Term 1 (1 pm dismissal)


We are looking forward to a fantastic year of learning, growth and fun! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.


Warm regards,


Mr. Brophy:

Mrs. Cua:

Ms. Perrin: