Middle School News

Julie McIntyre, Cecily Kerr & Leah Blake 

Happy New Year everyone and welcome to a our 3/4 learning space.


We have had a fabulous start to the term. The students have settled into our routines extremely well and have participated enthusiastically in 'getting to know you' activities as we establish our classroom expectations and discussing the many ways we can show our school value of LOVE to one another.


We shall commence each morning with stamina reading and prayer.


Last week we commenced specialist classes and looked forward to celebrating as a school, our Term 1 Mass as a Parish on Friday at Our Lady of Victories Basilica in Camberwell.  


A specialist timetable was sent out via our school app Audiri. Please see below also to confirm.












Class sport                                    




Students have begun to actively engage in developing their reading and comprehension skills through the use of picture storybooks. They have been working on visualisation, using descriptive language to bring stories to life in their minds. By making text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world connections, students are deepening their understanding and appreciation of different narratives. Through discussions and creative responses, they are enhancing their ability to infer, predict, and analyse stories in meaningful ways. It has been wonderful to see their enthusiasm as they explore literature with curiosity and insight. Students have been learning how to write clear and structured sentences, focusing on correct punctuation, grammar, and varied sentence types. Through engaging activities, they are developing their ability to express ideas confidently and effectively in their writing.



Students have been exploring expanded notation in mathematics, breaking down numbers to understand their place value and composition. By examining how digits represent different values within a number, they are developing a stronger grasp of place value concepts. Through hands-on activities and problem-solving tasks, they are strengthening their ability to represent and manipulate numbers with confidence.



This term, our inquiry focus is "Systems." Students are exploring how rules and regulations help maintain fairness and safety in different aspects of life. They are learning that a system is a structured way of working, organising, or following a set of rules to achieve a purpose. Through discussions and activities, students are also developing an understanding of their role in contributing to rules and being accountable for their actions. We look forward to deepening their thinking and making meaningful connections to real-world systems.


This term in Religion, students will be exploring what it means to belong to God’s family and the different ways we can live out this connection in our daily lives. They will learn about the significance of family meals and gatherings, drawing connections to Church traditions such as the Eucharist. Through discussions and reflections, students will consider the importance of belonging—to both their own families and the wider Church community—and how these connections bring meaning, support, and a sense of unity.


Homework - 

The expectation is that each child will read for 20-30 mins each night and record what they have read in their diaries which will be signed each Friday.


The students have a week to complete the homework set for them, appreciating that students and families are committed to extracurricular activities during the week and this supports the students in self managing their time.  The students will receive their homework tasks on Friday and it is to returned completed the following Friday. 

The students will be given a literacy and maths task to do, as well as their reading time.


Wk 2

Friday       Feb 7

Beginning of the School Year Mass at Our Lady of Victories, Camberwell
Wk 3

Tuesday    Feb 11

Safer Internet Day

Thursday  Feb 13

Parent Teacher Interviews 2.30 - 7pm

Friday       Feb 14 

School photo day
Wk 4

Tuesday    Feb 18

Inform and Empower Cyber Safety Incursion 10.15am
Wk 5

Tuesday    Feb 25

Wednesday Feb 26

Yr 34 Gala Day 

Open Day

District Swimming

Parent Information Night

Wk 6

Tuesday  March 4

Wed    March 5

  Fri     March 7

Burning of the Palms

Ash Wednesday Mass @ OLGC Church (Lent)

School closure

Wk 7

Mon March 10




Sun  March 16

Labour day - Public Holiday 

NAPLAN   Wed 12     Writing 

                     Thurs 13   Language Conventions/ Reading 

                     Friday 14   Mathematics

Open Day

Year 3 & 5 Family Mass at 5 pm

Wk 8

Mon March 17

Fri     March 21

St Patrick's Day

Reconciliation Reflection Day Yr 4's - @ Our Holy Redeemer

Wk 9

Tues  March 25

Thurs March 27


Bike Ed

Sacrament of Reconciliation Yr 4:  6-7pm

Wk 10

Wed April 2

Friday April 4

End of Term Mass @ OLGC

End of Term 1 (1 pm dismissal)

We are looking forward to working in partnership with you all to create a happy and successful learning environment for your children. 


Mon - Fri 

Julie McIntyre:




Cecily Kerr: 




Leah Blake:
