Sports Newsletter

Sports Clothing Reminder
Could all students please return Sacred Heart football jumpers, lycra netball dresses etc, as soon as possible. We still have football jumpers and dresses that have not been returned. We need full sets for next year.
Year 5 and 6 Swimming
Our students in Year 5 and 6 are currently attending swimming lessons at Bluewater for five days. Yesterday was their first day. Swimming is part of the school curriculum, so it is important that all the students support this program. A big thank you to the parents who have offered to assist with the walking of the students to the pool,
can you please meet classroom teachers at Pound Road gate 40 minutes before the class swimming time?
The days and dates are as follows:
Day 2 – Wednesday 11th December
Day 3 – Thursday 12th December
Day 4 – Friday 13th December
Day 5 – Monday 16th December
Times for each class are as follows (for Days 1 – 4)
11:30am – 12:00pm Class 6TR
12:00pm – 12:30pm Class 6LG
12:30pm – 1:00pm Class 6KT
1:00pm – 1:30pm Class 5JR
1:30pm – 2:00pm Class 5JT
2:00pm – 2:30pm Class 5RO
Times for each class are as follows (for Day 5)
10:30am – 11:00am Class 6TR
11:00am – 11:30am Class 6LG
11:30am – 12:00pm Class 6KT
12:00pm – 12:30pm Class 5JR
12:30pm – 1:00pm Class 5JT
1:00pm – 1:30pm Class 5RO
Year 6 End of Year Activity
On Wednesday 18th December, our Year 6 students will travel by bus to the Timboon Outdoor Swimming Pool for a last day ‘get together’. The bus will leave Sacred Heart at 9:30am and return at approximately 2:30pm. Students will need to wear their sports uniform and school hat, bring along their bathers, towel, goggles, fruit, snacks and lunch. Students are asked to apply sunscreen before they come to school. Sunscreen will be available for everyone to reapply during the day.
(Please complete Permission details on PAM for your child)
Sports Stars of the Week
Name: Harry Barbar (Yr 6TR)
1. What sports do you play? The sports I play are fishing and basketball.
2. Which sport is your favourite to play? My favourite sport to play is fishing.
3. Why is this your favourite sport? Fishing is my favourite sport because I enjoy it, and I try and go as often as I can.
4. What is your proudest sporting moment? My proudest sporting moment was when I caught a 49 centimetre snapper.
5. What are your strengths that help you with sport? My strengths in sport is my strong arms.
6. Why do you love playing sports? I love playing sport because it is exciting, and sometimes I get to play with my friends.
7. Who is your favourite sports person? My favourite sports person is footballer Shai Bolton.
8. Why are they your favourite? Shai Bolton is my favourite player because he is a very good midfielder for Richmond.
9. What is your favourite sporting team? My favourite sports team is Richmond Tigers.
10. How would your coaches and teammates describe you? My coach and team mates would say that I am very patient, and that I try hard.
Name: Harper Finn (Yr 6LG)
1. What sports do you play? The sports I play are netball and dance.
2. Which sport is your favourite to play? My favourite sport to play is netball.
3. Why is this your favourite sport? Netball is my favourite sport because I grew up watching netball and started playing when I was young.
4. What is your proudest sporting moment? My proudest sporting moment was when I got to perform in dance.
5. What are your strengths that help you with sport? My strengths in sport is my training skills. I am good at practising for the sports that I play.
6. Why do you love playing sports? I love playing sport because it is fun and I get to play with my friends.
7. Who is your favourite sports person? My favourite sports person is my Mum Gabby.
8. Why are they your favourite? My mum is my favourite sports player because she is a very good sports person and I am very proud of her.
9. What is your favourite sporting team? My favourite sports team is the Melbourne Vixens netball team.
10. How would your coaches and teammates describe you? My coach and team mates would say that I am a good goal shooter.
Name: Max Morley (Yr 5JR)
1. What sports do you play? The sports I play are basketball and football.
2. Which sport is your favourite to play? My favourite sport to play is basketball.
3. Why is this your favourite sport? Basketball is my favourite sport because you can shoot goals.
4. What is your proudest sporting moment? My proudest sporting moment was when I got three ‘3’ pointers in a row in one game of basketball.
5. What are your strengths that help you with sport? My strengths in sport is my strong skills in racing Motor-Cross.
6. Why do you love playing sports? I love playing sport because I like keeping fit.
7. Who is your favourite sports person? My favourite sports person is NBA basketballer Lebron James.
8. Why are they your favourite? Lebron James is my favourite player because he is a great player and I can learn from him.
9. What is your favourite sporting team? My favourite sports team is the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team.
10. How would your coaches and teammates describe you? My coach and team mates would say that I am a good ball sharer.
Name: Harry Keast (Yr 4SF)
1. What sports do you play? The sports I play are soccer, basketball and football.
2. Which sport is your favourite to play? My favourite sport to play is soccer.
3. Why is this your favourite sport? Soccer is my favourite sport because I love the game and I like that I can run all the time in the game.
4. What is your proudest sporting moment? My proudest sporting moment was when I got the winning trophy.
5. What are your strengths that help you with sport? My strengths in sport is my speed and I am good at kicking the ball.
6. Why do you love playing sports? I love playing sport because I just love it! I also like playing with my friends.
7. Who is your favourite sports person? My favourite sports person is Lebron James.
8. Why are they your favourite? Lebron James is my favourite player because he is a champion basketball player.
9. What is your favourite sporting team? My favourite sports team is the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association.
10. How would your coaches and teammates describe you? My coach and team mates would say that I am very sporty and that I am always very happy when I am playing sport.
Name: Saylah Anderson (Yr 3KM)
1. What sports do you play? The sports I play are dance, netball and waterskiing.
2. Which sport is your favourite to play? My favourite sport to play is waterskiing.
3. Why is this your favourite sport? Waterskiing is my favourite sport because I got my first trophy in water skiing.
4. What is your proudest sporting moment? My proudest sporting moment was when I first got up on the ski’s.
5. What are your strengths that help you with sport? My strengths in sport is my determination, and I love that my friends cheer me on.
6. Why do you love playing sports? I love playing sport because you get gold medals.
7. Who is your favourite sports person? My favourite sports person is water skiing World Champion Nellie McMillan.
8. Why are they your favourite? Nellie McMillan is my favourite player because she is very good at water skiing, and I want to be like her.
9. What is your favourite sporting team? My favourite sports team is the Melbourne Storn.
10. How would your coaches and teammates describe you? My coach and team mates would say that I am a ‘superstar’.
Thanks Nicole Lynch