
As families around the world prepare to celebrate Christmas by decorating their homes, singing carols, buying gifts and planning feasts, often the true meaning of Christmas can be lost due the commercial exploitation of this time of year. Many people see it as a joyous occasion to spend with family and friends, but for others it is viewed as a stressful and challenging time attributed to a combination of things such as financial pressures, relationship issues, and quite often, loneliness.
This week’s SchoolTV: SPECIAL REPORT: Surviving Christmas
Please click the TV image below
WEEK 8 - Surviving Christmas
WEEK 7 -Confidence & Motivation
WEEK 6 - Managing Overwhelm
WEEK 5 - Talking About Bushfires
WEEK 5 - Navigating AI Relationships
WEEK 4 - Resilience
WEEK 3 - Mindfulness
WEEK 2 - Parenting Styles
WEEK 1 - Managing Overwhelm
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Julie Leonard - Wellbeing Leader/Religious Education Leader