Careers Corner News

No matter your pathway this year, we encourage you to come and visit us in the Careers Corner (located in the CRC) throughout the year, engage in opportunities such as work experience, open days, and excursions, and be curious and excited about your post school pathways.
Debbie Edwards, Tee Kruse, Carly Pearson, Kerry Lee Jenkins
2024 review!
Throughout 2024, students have had the opportunity to learn about different careers and pathways through excursions, incursions, guest speakers, programs, industry and much more.
During national careers week the careers team hosted its biggest onsite industry showcase.
Students engaged in hands on activities and had the chance to meet with over 40 different exhibitors from a wide variety of industries. This included Middys, ADF, Medical and aged care group, Reece Plumbing, Monash University, Chisholm Institute and many more.
Students had the opportunity to learn about different occupations they may have never considered.
Other activities that ran during national careers week included Mock interviews, Guest speaker- Tyson Day, Career exploration activities including career action plans.
- Monash Sams Mentor program (opt in)
• Try a Trade Expo (Year 11-12 VM)
- Smith Family Work Inspiration Program- (Year 10)
- Ashurst Lawfirm- Ardoch Industry Experience (Year 10-12- opt in)
- Monash University Campus Tour (Year 10)
- Empowering Women in Trade experience (Year 9- opt in)
- Speed Careers- (Year 7)
- Work Experience (10-12 opt in)
- JD Sports Roadshow (Year 11 VM)
- Swinburne University- Immersion Day
Other programs the Careers Team ran throughout 2024 include resume and cover letter workshops, job search and interview skill sessions, year 9 Morrisby, year 7-12 mentor sessions, VTAC information sessions, 1:1 year 12 interviews and more!
A message to our departing year 12 students
It has been a pleasure getting to know you all this year and learning all about your future plans and goals. Whether you are heading to university, tafe, starting an apprenticeship, or exploring other exciting opportunities we encourage you to stay curious, and continue to pursue your passions.
The Careers team is here to support you, please do not hesitate to reach out.
We wish you all the best in your future x
The Careers office will be available over the change of preference time.
Please see the below staff details that will be available for you to contact via teams on the day.
1st round offer
Debbie Edwards will be available on teams on Monday 23rd December from 10am- 2pm
Change of preference
Carly Pearson & Tee Kruse will be available on teams on Friday 10th January from 2pm- 4pm.
2025 work experience
In 2025, all Year 10 students will participate in a week of work experience.
Work Experience will run from 19th – 23rd May 2025.
Students should use the school holiday period to begin thinking about where they might like to work for the week. Use allies and engage in conversations with family and friends during the break about their job and workplace. Good luck!