A Spotlight on Learning
A Spotlight on Learning in the SLC on Springvale Campus
What an incredible and inspiring beginning to the school year!
The SLC students have been actively engaged in social and emotional learning, building strong connections with their teachers and classmates while striving to become the best learners they can be. They have continued to embrace and embody the Springvale Rise Primary School values of Respect, Resilience, Collaboration and Excellence, working together to create a safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environment that represents every member of their community.
Over the past two weeks, SLC students have smoothly transitioned into their school routines. They have been exploring what makes a successful learning community, drawing on their understanding of the school values and prior knowledge to establish a positive and engaging learning environment that supports reading, writing, mathematics, and social-emotional learning (SEL).
In Reading, students have enjoyed the excitement of ‘book shopping’ in their learning space's library, selecting books that spark their interest and discussing their choices. They have been developing their skills in monitoring their thinking while reading and applying these strategies with their own texts.
In Writing, students have been delving into the topic of leadership at school. They have thoughtfully crafted application letters for leadership roles, reflecting on the qualities that make a great leader and explaining why they would be a valuable addition to the school’s student leadership team.
In Mathematics, students have been tackling time-related challenges. They have been organising their calendars and timetables while making connections between analogue and digital time. Through problem-solving activities, they have explored concepts such as elapsed time, 12- and 24-hour clocks, and real-life timetable applications.
What a fantastic start to the year—well done, SLC!
The SLC students worked collaboratively to identify the qualities of an effective learner; and what they do to achieve success!
The SLC students worked collaboratively to create a Zones of Regulation display; a tool that they can access to help them self-regulate.
Reading Identity Posters and some of photos of our Book Shopping
Four very proud SLC Teachers:
Miss Georgia Hammond (5/6E),
Mr Kullar (5/6D and PE); Mrs A 5/6D and Miss Lin (5/6F)