Student Voice 

Student Voice :                         Heights & Springvale Campus

Welcome to the 2025 school year! It’s awesome to see familiar faces and meet new friends too! An extra special welcome to our new students across the school, but especially to our new Foundation students as well as their families. The SLC have had an amazing start to the term, and we are sure it has been the same across all learning centres. We have been learning to create a safe and inclusive learning environment and revisiting ways that we can be role models, and we can’t wait to see all the wonderful things we will achieve as a community in the coming weeks! 


We are definitely looking forward to being your new School Captains this year, and we would love to use this opportunity to introduce ourselves!


Springvale Campus:


Hi, my name is Noor Fatiha (Fatiha for short) and I am 11 years old. I am super excited to be one of the 2025 School Captains on the Springvale Campus. My hobbies are playing volleyball and riding my bike during my free time! My favourite food is sushi along with some seaweed on the side, yum! Some of my goals I am looking forward to achieving this year is to get 100% attendance, gain a lot of confidence and improve in maths! I am also thrilled to work with my team - the first group of leaders. If you ever see me during snack or lunch I'm always happy to have a quick chat, so don't be afraid to come say hi!


Hi, my name is Wahida, I am 11 years old and I am one of your 2025 Springvale Campus School Captains. Something I like to do during my free time is spending time with my friends. I am also a BIG FOODIE and something I find mouth-watering is Malaysian food!  One of my secret talents is skipping, I think I could keep skipping FOREVER. I have many goals as a leader, but one goal I want to fulfil is to earn LOTS of awards, have 100% attendance and lastly to be the BEST leader to all of you . By the way I am really friendly, so come over and have a little chat with me during snack or lunch!   


Hello, My name is Jason and I am currently on holiday overseas, however I am very happy to be one of the School Captains for 2025 on the Springvale Campus! One of the things I really like to do during my free time is play volleyball, or watch people playing volleyball while chatting with my friends! Another thing I really like to play is beyblades! I love this toy so much that I play with it everyday! My favourite animal is penguins, because I think they are so cute and unique! I am someone who demonstrates all of the school values in school and outside of school; so if you ever want to come and say hi or have a chat during snack or lunch just know I'm always here! 


In addition to our School Captains, we also have our Vice Captains and Prefects. They are all outstanding role models, so make sure you get to know them!

Parmina- Vice Captain
Parmina- Vice Captain
Valeria- Vice Captain
Valeria- Vice Captain



My- Prefect
My- Prefect
Jamil- Prefect
Jamil- Prefect

We went on a little walk around the school and asked some students about what they are most looking forward to this year. Here is whateveryone said:


FLC"I like to play in the playground with my friends and build cities." - Noah FC


JLC"I am excited for swimming and the upcoming excursions this year!" -  Troy 1/2F



"I can't wait for the opportunity of making new friends this year!" - Stephanie 3/4D



"I am excited to go to Phillip Island camp because I get to do fun and scary activities." - Bibi 5/6E 


Heights Campus:            

Hello, my name is Eliana, and I am honored to be your School Captain this year. I’m very grateful for this role and am excited to work towards making positive changes for everyone’s happiness. I’m 11 years old and I look forward to meeting and helping students outside of class. If you see me around, feel free to say hi– I promise, I don’t bite! As a school leader, I’m eager to organise fun events and activities for our school. I love drawing, and I always do my best to make my artwork look great. Another thing I enjoy is playing three square with my friends while chatting and eating. During lunch, I make an effort to include others in our games. I also  strive to show our school values whenever I’m outside.


Hello, my name is Selena and I am 11 years old. I am very honored to be your School Captain for the Heights Campus. I look forward to showing what our school has to offer and promoting what a great school we are! I am very grateful that I earnt this role and to take on the responsibility of being School Captain and working with all my teammates throughout the changes that may come. As a leader I will show all the school values by helping people when they need it, working as a team and trying to motivate my team to be their best. I will encourage everyone to never give up on something that may be hard to do and try my best and put all my energy into my work. If you do see me around, come and say hi to me. I love to play any kind of sport even if sometimes it can be hard. I am excited to work with the other leaders in 2025. This is your School Captain Selena!     


In addition to our School Captains, we also have our Vice Captains and Prefects. They are also going to be wonderful role models for others so please seek them out and say hello!


Anh- Vice Captain
Anh- Vice Captain


Thomas- Vice Captain
Thomas- Vice Captain
Ben- Prefect
Ben- Prefect
Teresa- Prefect
Teresa- Prefect

We were lucky to visit several classes today to find out what students are looking forward to in 2025. This is what we discovered…..



‘I’m looking forward to making friends, and doing more study’ - Harleen F/A

‘I am looking forward to new friends and going on excursions this year.’ - Ridham F/A



‘I am looking forward to the excursions and swimming.’ - Mia 1/2C‘I’m looking forward to going on more fun excursions.’ - Shriyan 1/2C



‘I am looking forward to the excursions and cooking this year!’- Toby 3/4B

‘I am looking forward to cooking and sports this year!’ - Kazoymah 3/4B 



‘I am looking forward to preparing for my School Captain speech at the end of the year.’ - Dhanika 5/6C                                     ' I am looking forward to doing athletics and swimming lessons with the school.’ - Kadance 5/6B


All our School Leaders are excited for a brilliant year ahead! 🙂