From the Assistant Principal's Desk (Heights Campus)

Highlights from Heights Campus 

Welcome back to another exciting year at the Heights Campus! Students have effortlessly settled back into school routines, supported by our amazing staff who are focusing on practices such as safety lines and teaching lines to ensure students are safe and ready for learning. Students have enjoyed getting to know their new teachers and reconnecting with their classmates.


During SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) lessons, home groups have re-engaged with the Zones of Regulation - naming emotions, identifying the Zone they are in, and exploring strategies to self-regulate and get back to the green zone.

We would like to welcome some of our new and returning specialist teachers on the Heights Campus in 2025. This year Mrs. Jane McMahon will be teaching Environmental Science and Mrs. Julie Raciti and Mrs. Emily Le will be teaching LOTE (Vietnamese). Mrs. Le has been teaching Vietnamese on the Springvale Campus during Term 4 2024. Mr. Vincent Coad will continue teaching PE (Physical Education), and Mrs. Cathy Hibbins will continue teaching Art.

Mrs Jane McMahon
Mrs Jane McMahon
Mrs Julie Raciti
Mrs Julie Raciti
Mrs Emily Le
Mrs Emily Le

You may notice some new posters around the school. These posters are designed to support students with the language and confidence to seek help from a trusted adult when they are feeling uncomfortable or unsafe. They also assist Springvale Rise Primary School staff to keep children safe, in line with our Child Safe policies and processes. 


Over the next few weeks, we will provide opportunities for families to offer feedback on our Child Safe policies. More information will be communicated soon. Please note that our policies can be found on our school website or a hard copy can be provided to you at the front office.

At the end of 2024, Uncle Josh West a local Bunurong Elder and a good friend of Springvale Rise Primary School, allowed the Grade 4 and 5 students to engage in a smoking ceremony. He also shared some learning about Country. The students learned about the local trees and plants, and the various uses they serve, including medicine and food. Uncle Josh and the students collaboratively developed a beautiful piece of artwork to be displayed in the SLC building on the Heights Campus. We absolutely love it!

Have a great weekend!



Carly Jamar

Assistant Principal