Teaching and Learning

This is 2025
As we have communicated in previous weeks, 2025 brings with it ten new students for Raywood Primary School. We are beyond excited with this influx of "Raywood Kids" and can not wait to have everyone here. The above photo is missing two of our 2025 students who went home due to illness, but regardless their are many (smiling) faces above that we are excited to have as part of Team Raywood.
Meet Ms Lehre
G'day! I'm Ms. Lehre (that’s pronounced "Lear-ree"). I live in Bendigo with my husband, Alex, and our gigantic, goofy golden retriever, Frank. When I was a kid, I had two big dreams: to become a teacher and to have a dog just like Frank. Spoiler alert: Dreams do come true! Frank loves getting into mischief, and I love teaching, devouring way too much pizza, making slime, cracking silly jokes, and taking Frank on epic beach adventures. I can’t wait to meet you all and kick off our learning adventure together!
News from Miss Duffy in Prep-2
We made it! What an epic year we have had. Some of our highlights (as told by the kids) have been:
- Levi joining our class during Term 2
- ELLLAS our Christmas Elf hiding in all sorts of places and getting into mischief
- Our excursion to the Melbourne Museum (and the train ride)
- Having our grid on the floor to play human battleships and coordinate games
- Making wattleseed damper
- Melbourne Cup Day dress up, racing horses and lunch
- Having a riding track and scooters
- Being pirates looking for treasure and making our own map
- Learning our spelling and watching funny spelling clips on the tv
At the conclusion of a very busy year, filled with lots of learning and adventure, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of my little munchkins a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday break.
News from Mr Collins in Year 3-6
Well, that's wrap for 2024. There are a lot of things I really need to say but I'll try to keep it short.
-To my grade 6 girls about to embark on their next journey: It's hard to explain how much comfort I have in the two of you being at school. I'll miss you both heaps.
-To my other four students: You have been great. Enjoy your break and refresh as next year you will stepping up to higher responsibilities.
-And now that the secret is out, to Lucian, Kai, Stevie and Laxford: Welcome to the Senior Classroom. I've already began adjusting the room and resources to allow for Grade 2 students. The other four students will love having you with them.
Big thankyou to Lisa, Bree, Mez, Sarah and Sue for everything you have done for the kids and I this year. And finally a big welcome to Jessica who is joining our team next year. We know you are the right person to help us continue to deliver a fantastic education to our wonderful cohort of kids.
See you all next year.
News from Ms Roediger
As Term 4 quickly draws to a close, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on my time at Raywood Primary School. Lisa, Hayden, Bree, and Sue consistently go above and beyond to create a nurturing, fun, and dynamic school environment for learning and growth. Their unwavering dedication to each student and their commitment to helping them reach their full potential has been inspiring. It has truly been a joy and privilege to work alongside such an impressive team! I have loved getting to know the delightful students, their passions, quirky sense of humours and unique perspectives. I am equally proud of their enthusiasm and openness to take on new challenges in Wellbeing, Information Communication Technology, and Performing Arts consistently impressing me. It’s been a wonderful year, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to be part of this special community. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
MARC News from Mrs Gentry
And just like that it’s the end of the year! Students have taken home their MARC workbooks full of all the things we have done this year. Thanks for returning all books so I can stocktake the library and be ready to start all over again next year. I hope everyone has a fabulous break with lots of great reading, Mrs G