Primary Year 3-6

What a wonderful beginning to 2025 for the students in Years 3-6! They have quickly settled into routines, established relationships and shown themselves to be prepared and ready for learning. We have already seen great examples of leadership and kindness and I know we have a wonderful year ahead.
Our Year 6 leaders have hit the ground running and are establishing themselves already as excellent ambassadors for our College.
We would like to welcome back all of our students and families and extend a warm welcome to our new families and children.
For the families I haven't had the opportunity to meet yet, my name is Amanda Stevens and I teach Yr 3/4C (Room 9 near the High St small gate). I am the Yr 3-6 level co-ordinator this year but also new to St Mary’s. I look forward to working with all families in Yr 3-6 this year and with Anne Spencer (F-Yr 2 Level co-ordinator). We are here to help and support all primary families.
Please call in and say hello when you are going past Room 9 or come along to our first assembly which will be in the next couple of weeks. We are just finalsing timetables and will let you know when that first assembly will be held.
Due to the expected hot temperatures, our Opening Mass has been postponed from this Friday. We will advise you when a new date is determined.
IMPORTANT for Bus Travellers and their families - With the building works happening for the year in front of the Multi-purpose Hall, bus travellers have a longer walk to the bus stop. The following bus travellers will need to leave classrooms by 3.10pm to catch buses on time - Orange Bus (Town Service... then returns to collect Nagambie GVH students), Purple Bus (Pucka/Sungarrin/Telegraph Rds) , Pink Bus (Yea direct) and Green Bus (Strath Creek) buses). An adult (LSO or teacher) will be walking with F-2 students everyday to the bus stop. The adult will remain with the students until both the Bus Duty teacher and siblings arrive. Siblings in Yrs 3-6 will no longer come to the PLC to collect siblings but meet them at the bus stop.
Please speak to your children about this new arrangement as it will commence tomorrow - Monday. Please speak to your classroom teacher if you have any questions or concerns.
What’s On...
👉 College Photos
College photos will be held on this Monday 10th February. Children are asked to be in full summer uniform.
👉 College Swimming Carnival 2025
The first whole College Swimming Carnival is coming up fast on Friday 17th February. The children have been asked which events they would like to compete in as there are both 25m and 50m events as well as the super popular points swim. We are very much looking forward to our first Yr 3-12 College Swimming carnival especially for our Yr 3 students who will compete for the first time. The Swimming Carnival is held at the Seymour Outdoor Pool and we would love to see families there to cheer on the swimmers!
Please keep an eye out in PAM for the permission form.
👉 Pancake Tuesday - 4th March
We will be celebrating Pancake Tuesday with the making - and eating !!- of pancakes on Tuesday 4th March Please advise your child’s teacher if there are any food allergies or needs.
👉 Ash Wed Mass - 5th March (9.00am)
Students will be attending the Ash Wednesday Liturgy on Wednesday 5th March. Families are very welcome to join us to celebrate the beginning of Lent.
👉 Uniform
We would like to congratulate all students and their families on the state of our uniforms. They have been looking fantastic and it is great to see such school pride on display. Wearing our uniform with pride is the PBL ( Positive Behavior Program ) focus for the next two weeks.
Students who do not have their hat will have to sit under the shade during recess and lunch, in line with our Sun Smart school policy.
Thank you once again for your support to ensure we had a great start to the school year.
Have a great week