Director of Learning & Teaching

Welcome to 2025!
As we begin 2025 at St Mary’s College, we extend a warm welcome to all members of our community, especially those joining us for the first time. We are pleased to welcome new staff, students and families and look forward to the contributions they will make to the life of the College.
It has been a focused start to the year, with students settling into their learning routines and engaging positively in the classroom. In 2025, our focus remains on delivering high-quality teaching and learning, guided by the MACS Vision for Instruction. Through explicit instruction, structured lessons and evidence-based practices, we continue to foster a culture of high expectations and student progress. Ensuring that all learners are challenged, supported and engaged remains at the core of our approach educating our students.
Primary parents have the opportunity to connect with their class teacher in the parent Meet and Greet next week. This is your opportunity to tell us how we can work together to support your child’s growth and progress over 2025. We would really like to meet our parents that are new to the Year level group or the College. Please book appointments via the PAM portal. Learning foci and key dates are communicated via the primary weekly email each Sunday.
In our secondary sector we use ongoing feedback to inform parents of learning progress across the learning domains. Assessment task due dates and criteria for completion of these tasks can be found in PAM. Feedback on the attainment and areas for improvement for assessment tasks will be uploaded to PAM by your child’s subject teacher. Please reach out to your child’s house mentor or class teacher for any further information with this.
We look forward to a year of collaboration, growth and success across all year levels. With such a busy and positive beginning, we are excited about the learning and achievements ahead in 2025.
Julia Wood