
Mr Wayne Smith

Dear Parents and Carers,


2025 is underway!


The weather did not disappoint when students and staff returned to the new school year in our land of weather extremes. 


Our Foundations have begun their 13-year journey, and the children have settled in so well – no surprise when you have such caring and professional teachers like Ms Sally and Miss Lauren and Mrs Spencer’s (F-2 Coordinator) knowledge and experience in reading young minds. One can only wonder what waits for our Foundation students when they graduate in 2037!


Year 12 students are on the way and so much work has been done in the background by teaching and non-teaching staff to be ready for the return of VCE. Our staff have been outstanding in their commitment and generous with their time to get Year 12 back at St Mary’s where it belongs.


We have new students, new staff and new families who will quickly connect to St Mary’s Mercy Values: 


Compassion                        Justice                                   Respect                                                                                                                                    

Hospitality                                      Service                                                  Courage


We welcome back former College Captain, Caleb Baumann who has returned from an exchange in Italy. We look forward to hearing from Caleb about the differences of life in an Italian school compared to St Mary’s.


Year 12 Retreat Day

On Friday 31st January, Year 12 students had a great day with retreat facilitator, Ange Virgona to reflect on their individual and collective goals and challenges this year.  The theme of the retreat, ‘Guided by faith Driven by purpose’ is the College theme for 2025 and was created by Year 12. At the end of the day, staff and students had an evening meal at the Country Club Hotel, Yea. The publicans were so impressed with the manners and respect they were given by our St Mary’s senior class. One little boy on the play equipment at the hotel was over the moon when some of our Year 12’s played with him. He and his parents smiles, said it all. 



“Wearing a school uniform means we’re all in this together,

with a shared vision of achieving great things.”


Uniform is an important part of our College and always will be. How do we ensure there is minimal angst over uniform? If home and College sing from the same song sheet, then it will maintain consistency. Working together has far better outcomes. The uniform has been excellent to begin 2025 and thank you to parents and carers for supporting our uniform standards.


Parent Code of Conduct

The world we live in understandably requires all workplaces to highlight the importance of their Code of Conduct. There is a given for all students and staff at St Mary’s – that is at the very least treating each other with respect is non-negotiable. As we begin the new College year, please be aware that inappropriate social media, phone calls, emails or face to face contact that is abusive or inflammatory towards College staff and or purposefully abuses the good name of the College will not be accepted.  Kindness and respect can change a person’s day!


Driver Safety

Today we welcomed Victoria Police Officer Leading Senior Constable Peter Gough and Senior Constable Carl Payne from the Highway Patrol Squad who gave an excellent driver safety presentation to Year 12. Their manner, knowledge, experience and pitching to the level of young adults was fantastic and valued by Year 12. Peter’s humour and common-sense approach were appreciated by the group. 


Our new staff colleagues have settled in quickly to their roles. Mrs Senibici and her family have arrived from Tonga this week and Theresa will soon be a welcome addition to the College staff. 


The weekend promises to be not as hot as the past week. There will be some tired children this weekend after a full week back at school. Over the coming weeks there will be staff features in Marian to get to know new staff.


Stage 1 Building works underway



Enjoy your weekend as February quickly passes us by.


Best wishes

Wayne Smith


DipEd (ACU) DipREd (ACU) Bed (ACU) GradCertEdAdmin (Edith Cowan) 

GradDipREd (ACU) MEdAdmin (Charles Sturt) MTheoStudies (BBITAITE)