Found Objects
On Monday 16 December, we proudly launched Found Objects 2024, the published anthology of creative writing from our talented student authors. Nearly fifty of the contributing authors were joined by close to a hundred guests and staff to celebrate the incredible creativity and accomplishment of our very dedicated writers, and to finally be able to see and share the fruits of their endeavours with the printed collection of their works.
The Found Objects project was launched in 2023 with the aim of inspiring, encouraging and showcasing writers and writing at Lilydale High School. It’s about writing with passion and purpose to be read by genuinely appreciative audiences.
At the launch of this year’s anthology, student writers Ari Cooper, Oli Bain and Connor Nugent, spoke appreciatively of the wonderful opportunity Found Objects provides for motivating and developing the craft of writing, and for the sense of pride and achievement that comes from becoming a published author.
Our Principal, Ms Powson, also glowingly praised the authors for way they had grasped this opportunity and shown such commitment and determination to produce this incredible creative collection of which we all can be proud.
Found Objects 2024 features sixty-seven works from sixty-four authors. It is an incredible collection of over five hundred pages of short stories, poetry and personal writing in a wide range of genres of styles, that demonstrates our students’ impressive inventiveness, maturity and depth, and their honesty, perceptiveness, optimism and wit.
The Found Objects team express their thanks and gratitude to our Principal, Ms Wendy Powson, for her generous endorsement, support and funding of this initiative. Thank you, too, to Ms Jessica Kilkenny, Head of English, who has continued to champion Found Objects, and ensured that the project has run successfully. Special thanks and recognition are especially due to former student, Ayzia Mitchell, who dedicated enormous time and skill to mentor the writers and edit the anthology, as well as contributing the Foreword and some of her own beautiful poetry to the collection.
If you would like to share in this fabulous collection of work, copies of the Found Objects 2024 anthology may be purchased from the main reception office at the school. Digital copies of the anthology may also be downloaded via Compass.
Thank you
The Found Objects Team