Principal Update

Melissa Mackenzie

We are halfway through the term and well underway with the learning we want to achieve. 


Teachers use the Victorian Curriculum to guide their planning. The process is to develop yearly overviews, which inform termly overviews, which inform weekly and daily planning. Woven into this process is the usage of resources and initiatives from DE, like the focus on teaching phonics. We also utilise the expertise of staff members and their knowledge of teaching students at their point of need. Assessment forms a building block for this process, providing teachers with information about where each child is at in relation to the curriculum and the learning they need to progress. We label this attention to individual needs as differentiation.


The staff have been focusing their Professional Learning around differentiation and how we cater for those students who are progressing well outside the standard for their year level. This focus along with the inclusion of student voice and agency forms a major part of our learning as adults this year. It is a key component of our Annual Implementation Plan and is also an aspect of APS that we are recognised for across the network. Our students bring such potential to the learning environment it is humbling everyday to hear them planning and initiating ideas to make APS even better than it is.


This week sees the end of the Prep Testing Days. Chiara, Emily and Alice are so impressed with their classes and the way the students have settled into routines and life at school. Congratulations to all the parents who have also settled into school life. Tonight we hold the Welcome to APS event for the Prep Parents. This is hosted by the Year 1 parents and is always a favourite on the school calendar. Thanks to Mike, Zoe, Linda and the team of Year 1 parents who have put this together.


This week we have installed some long awaited outdoor furniture. There are three aluminium tables and seats in the P/1 area, two longer tables in the quadrangle and two wooden seats under the ornamental pear trees. They are already being used by classes for some outdoor learning and quiet play during recesses and lunch. Please see some photos below.


School Council 2025: Congratulations to the following parents who join School Council this year - Saomai who has a Year 4 and a Prep child, Dina who has a Year 4 and a Year 2, James who has a Year 2 child and David returns, he has a Year 3 and a Year 1.

The new staff joining are Jessie teaching Year 4 and Megan teaching Year 6.

They will be joining the returning parent members - Craig, Joe, Maitreyi, and Mike.

The returning staff members- Shane, Michael and myself. 

We have co-opted Sam, who has a Year 4 child, into the 12 mth Community Member role. We are working on the last co-opted position which is a 12 mth casual vacancy created with Matt’s children moving into secondary school.  

Have a lovely week

Kind Regards

Melissa Mackenzie

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