Parents' and Carers' Assoc

On Thursday, February 27, Mitcham Primary School held its first Parents' and Carers' Association meeting for the year.
We were blown away with the number of parents who volunteered their time, energy and ideas to the group and are feeling very positive about the strides we will make this year in continuing to bring our parent and school community closer together.
Parents from all levels of the school attended the meeting, many of whom will even have future children attending Mitcham Primary which was extra exciting! The group committed to being a positive voice for the school and a vehicle to wrap our arms around each other as a community.
We discussed upcoming school events where parents can be a part of activities as well as ideas for how parent cohorts can come together socially. Some ways in which you can connect with our community include:
- Attending the Specialist Support afternoon on Thursday, March 13 at 3:30 to find out ways you can help our specialist program - more information to come (contact Caitlin Kolokathis)
- Supporting our Athletics Days - more information to come (contact Laura Ellis)
- Running a stall or performing on Harmony Evening - see attached flyer (contact Caitlin Kolokathis, Laura Ellis or Beau Robertson)
- Attending one of our upcoming information sessions on Literacy, Numeracy or Wellbeing (details to follow)
- Put your hand up to be a year level co-ordinator - see attached flyer (contact Erin Norman or Michelle Anderson)
- Attend a parent/family social event- (soon to be organised)
- Creating year-level, opt-in WhatsApp groups for parents to connect
Providing a space for parents to spend time for a coffee and chat following Friday assemblies
We will put further information out via Compass and the Newsletter about the above activities and will meet again next month to continue to build on our ideas.
If you weren't able to attend the meeting you are more than welcome to come next month on March 27 or, if you are unable to attend that day also, please feel free to email thoughts or ideas to any of Erin Norman, Michelle Anderson, Laura Ellis or Beau Robertson.