School News

Sensory Room
We recently gave our sensory room a glow up!
The space is designed to help our students to recentre and calm when things becomes a little too much or they just need a breather.
The room includes a water/bubble wall, a rocking chair, a textured sensory wall and many other calm inducing items.
A big thank you to our Education Support staff for creating this wonderful space.
New Play Space
If you've been into the school grounds lately you would have noticed works between the Performing Arts and Foundation buildings.
Our new play space behind the Performing Arts building will be ready for use next week. We have had new fences and stairs installed with a variety new play equipment including a car racing track, sensory wall panels and musical flowers.
Works are now beginning on the veggie patch with permanent fencing being erected.
Canteen Orders
Just a reminder that all lunch orders must be submitted on QKR before 9am of your choosen day. The canteen can not accept late orders.
Also please remember to update your child's classroom details on QKR. We have had quite a few lunch orders going to the wrong classes/year levels with students missing out on their canteen lunch.
2025 ICAS Dates