Principal's Report

Jells Park Primary School
Principal: Kevin Oakey
Assistant Principal: Kellie Stewart
Assistant Principal: Scott Zachariassen
Student Free Day
The School Council has approved an additional Student Free Day (Teacher Professional Practice Day) for Tuesday 25 March, 2025.
This day will also be the Term 1 Parent-Teacher Interview Day, from 12.30pm onwards. Information about the Parent-Teacher Interviews will come out next week.
World Greatest Shave & Crazy Hair Day
In Term 1 the Junior School Council are conducting a Crazy Hair Day, which will also result in a few staff having their heads shaved as part of The World Greatest Shave.
Please get behind this fantastic cause by making a donation (see link in JSC page of this newsletter) and supporting you child to go CRAZY with their hair on Friday 4 April.
(please note that this will replace the Easter Bonnet Parade, however we will still be having the Easter Raffle at the end of the day)
Important Reminders:
Early Arrival: Understanding that students are not permitted to enter school grounds until 8.30am, some families have been leaving their children in the parklands opposite the school and in the cafe next to the school. Can I remind parents that Duty of Care of your child sits with the parent if you choose to do this.
Disability Parking: There are 2 Disability Parking spots and 1 Permit Parking spot outside the school (on Petronella Ave). Please show respect to others by only using these only if you have the correct permit to do so, and if you do have a permit, please ensure it is on display. Thank you.
Lost Property: Has exploded again, and we are only half way through the term. Please ensure your child's uniform is clearly labelled so our Lost Property Monitors can ensure items are returned. The large yellow bin is full again and all of those items are not labelled.
Student Laptops: We have had a few damaged student laptops, from being stepped on in the common area before school. Please be advised that Level 4-6 students will be permitted to enter the senior corridor to put their laptops in their lockers before the bell.
Building and Grounds Works
The works on the Creative Play area between the ELC and PA room have almost finished and inludes new retaining walls, shade sails and creative games and activities. The builders will move to the back of the school to work on a fence around the Vege Patch (so we can put in our new Vege Pods) and then the garden beds around the Level 4 portable area will be upgraded over the school holidays.
2025 Parent Contributions
Once again, if you haven't done anything with the Parent Contribution for 2025 can I please ask that you consider if you can make some or all of the school contributions. We are a long way behind on expected budget, which will ultimately mean cutting 'additional' programs. These resources are vital to the school and are used to provide the extended curriculum here at Jells Park PS and we greatly appreciate your support. Pleae log into your SENTRAL account.
Kevin Oakey
International Women's Day
International Women's Day, celebrated on March 8, is an internationally recognised day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. First recognised in 1911, International Women's Day aims to celebrate achievement and raise awareness about discrimination and gender equality. Interestingly, two very famous Australian women are being celebrated this year with a Barbie Doll being made to represent them - Ash Barty and Evonne Goolagong. Quite the honour!
At Jells Park PS one of the ways we teach our students about gender equality is through the Department of Education's Respectful Relationships program. A core component of all schools' curriculum from Foundation to Year 12, Respectful Relationships is a program with the intention of embedding a culture of respect and equality across the entire school community. You can find out more information about the Respectful Relationships program by talking to your child/ren or referring to the fortnightly focus sent out every second Friday.
How to support Learning
Every day, in every classroom across the school, students at JPPS are learning. But have you ever considered the definition of Learning? Learning is when a permanent change is made to a person's long term memory, when new information moves from the working memory to the long term memory. There are many factors that enhance or detract from learning. Distractions in the environment such as noise, temperature, friendship problems or when the work is too hard or too easy can affect how much a student is learning throughout the day. Internal distractions such as being tired or hungry can also affect learning. Teaching is a very complex job! Please support your child to be their best during the day and have every opportunity to 'learn' by ensuring they get a good night's sleep and eat a breakfast before they come to school.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Kellie Stewart
Assistant Principal