Primary Polding Athletics
Congratulations to our students who went to Newcastle last week for the Polding Athletics Carnival. Well done to Fletcher Andrews who came first in the 1500m and third in the 800m. He will now compete at the PSSA Athletics next term.
Futsal Competition
Well done to our primary team, who played at the New England School Futsal competition in Glen Innes on Friday and won all 4 games. Great practice for their trip to the National Schools Comp in Brisbane in November. Thank you to families and our coach, Mr Aaron Childs for your commitment to the team.
Term 3 Primary Sports Dates
*Polding Cricket 20 September - Good luck to Riley Woodward!
*NSW Netball Cup 25 September
*Armidale diocesan Gala Day Tamworth 26 September
Term 4 Sporting Dates
*23 & 24 October PSSA Athletics, Sydney
*1 November Primary Diocesan Touch Gala Day, Inverell
*8 November Futsal Championships, Brisbane
*6 December Primary Diocesan Summer Trials (basketball & tennis)
7 - 10 Sports News
NSWCCC Athletics
Congratulations to Griffin Sanderson!
Griffin achieved excellent results last week at NSWCCC Athletics, placing 3rd in the 16 Years 400m and 800m and 4th in the 200m.
Congratulations to Kane Cameron!
Kane placed 3rd in the 13 Years Long Jump, a great achievement.
All HTS students performed very well and were a credit to the school and diocese.
Term 4 Elective Sport
Students will participate in elective sports next term. Mr Uebergang has asked most students for their choices and will catch up with anyone who has yet to make them next term.
Netball NSW Cup Finals
Congratulations and good luck to the following Year 7 girls who will compete in the regional finals of the Netball NSW Cup competition on Wednesday of week 10: Zara Butcher, Maddison Campbell, Grace Doyle, Willow Garrett, Pippa Lynch, Miley Taber, Ella Walford and Millie Wilson.