VCE in Year 10

The College invites students in Year 10 to study a VCE Unit 1 & 2 subject as part of their course. This program aims to provide opportunities for these students to:

  • Undertake extension work and achieve breadth within their VCE course of study
  • Experience the demands of a VCE unit with the view to developing sound and appropriate study and work habits conducive to a high achieving student.

Year 9 students invited to undertake a VCE unit at Year 10 will apply through the selection process as outlined below. However, it is emphasised that students will be approved a VCE unit on the basis of their ability suitability to undertake a chosen subject, and the availability of places within the class. (Year 11 students have priority of placement in VCE Units 1 & 2).


*Note: Students undertaking a VCE Unit 1 & 2 subject will be unable to complete the equivalent Year 10 subject in order to ensure access to a broad range of studies. The only exception to this is when Year 10 students undertake Units 1 & 2 General Mathematics. In this case, these students will also undertake Year 10 Mathematical Methods.


Possible Advantages

  • Extend and challenge student learning
  • Experience the demands of a VCE unit and the VCE process
  • Better enable the option of studying an additional Unit 3 & 4 in Year 11 (provides students with a 10% bonus to ATAR scores for fifth and/or sixth studies)
  • Achieve breadth of study by completing an additional VCE unit.

Possible Disadvantages

  • Increased workload
  • Absence from a VCE class due to Year 10 commitments such as school sport, excursions etc.
  • Limiting access to a wider range of subject areas at Year 10.

Selection Criteria

  • Recognisable aptitude and sound academic achievement in Year 9 subjects
  • Strong written communication skills as demonstrated by English reports, NAPLAN and/or PAT testing results
  • Commitment to study and attendance above 90%
  • Demonstrated initiative and ability to work independently
  • Strong Grade Point Averages (GPAs), indicating exemplary work habits
  • Evidence of student’s ability to manage the workload (student has a history of meeting deadlines and has sound organisational skills).

Selection Process

  • Students will be invited to study a VCE unit early in Term 3 after which they can apply online
  • A selection panel will be formed to consider each application according to the criteria above
  • The Head of Year 9 will notify applicants early in Term 3 about the outcome of their application

VCE Units 1-2 Offered in Year 10

The following VCE Units 1 & 2 are offered to Year 10 students in 2025.

Accounting 1-2Legal Studies 1-2
Art Creative Practice 1-2Media 1-2
Biology 1-2Modern History 1-2
Business Management 1-2Music: Performance 1-2
Applied Computing 1-2Physical Education 1-2
Drama 1-2Psychology 1-2
Economics 1-2Product Design and Technologies (Wood) 1-2
Environmental Science 1-2Product Design and Technologies (Fabrics) 1-2
Food Studies 1-2Visual Communication Design 1-2
General Mathematics 1-2VET - all half day programs
Geography 1-2 
Health and Human Development 1-2 


  • Students in Year 10 may select to study one VCE subject
  • VCE Unit 1 & 2 English, English Language, Literature, French, Chemistry or Physics are not offered to Year 10 students.