Around the rooms

A snapshot from the classrooms this fortnight

Kindergarten - Jacqueline Pribilovics



Year 1 - Danielle McClure and Eva Clinton

This fortnight we have had so much fun exploring stars, constellations and all things space during our STEM time. The children used the Sky View app to explore constellations that were in our skies that day. The technology in this app helped them to visualise the constellations that they had been learning all about without having to wait for it to be night time. They had some fun creating models of the constellations using playdough and match sticks, as well as creating their very own constellation.


Year 2 - Aoife Geraghty and Eva Clinton

The Year Two students have had a busy few weeks, they have been learning all about persuasive writing this term and have been working hard to improve their skills by adding rhetorical questions and emotive language to their writing. In maths, the students have moved onto forming groups and have been paying particular attention to learning their times tables! For wellbeing week they engaged in a beautiful meditation workshop led by Mrs. North, the students really enjoyed practising new breathing techniques and taking some time to stop and just be still!


Year 3 - Peter Mallos

This week in Year 3, we’ve been exploring angles! We learned how to describe the amount of turn that an angle shows, and our big focus was on finding real-life examples of right angles.


First, we made a special tool called a right angle tester to check if Vertex (corner) and arms in our classroom form right angles. Then, we drew these items in our workbooks and used arrows to show the amount of turn between the two arms. We also practised labelling the different parts of an angle.


To make it even more fun, we searched for right angles in numerals and letters! It was a great week of learning and discovery.


Year 4 - Bella Abruzzese 

Year 4 enjoyed their time with Mrs Suzanne North today as they shared in the importance of mindfulness and meditation for our wellbeing. They participated in grounding, breathing exercises and a meditation where they used a stone to focus on their breathing. This stone has been given to the students to take home to practise their mindfulness each day. ‘Mindfulness is the aware, balanced acceptance of the present experience.’


Stage 3 - Anna Kelly & Laura Courtenay

Stage 3 has been working on creating different modes to tell a story and convey a theme. We have written our own songs based on the story of Molly Kelly. We explored repetition, rhythm and rhyme, along with alliteration. Some of the themes that we wrote about were injustice, discrimination, determination and adventure. Below are links to our songs, we hope they work and you enjoy listening.


Year 6 Student Profile

Hi, my name is Angelica and I joined STMM in year 4. 


What I love the most about  this school are the connections I have made during the years with other students . I have particularly enjoyed the annual athletics carnival where I participated in track and field events, and went on to represent my school on a higher level. 


 Playing with my two kindergarten buddies has been a definite highlight. Every  Wednesday we read, write and help them with their maths on iPads. I have really enjoyed watching them progress with their learning. 


In the three short years I have been here, I have made some amazing friends who have kept me laughing through many long hot days.


I have to add, the teachers have been so dedicated to my education and I hope in high school my new teachers will be just as inspiring  and  devoted.