Christmas Story Art

The Christmas Story Art Competition 2024
We are excited to announce ‘The Christmas Story Art Exhibition and Competition 2024,’ a visual arts event for students in Years 5 and 6. This initiative celebrates and explores children’s creative, artistic, and reflective abilities in expressing their understanding of the Christmas story. The subject matter is drawn from the Sydney Religious Education Curriculum and includes additional verses from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.
We are proud to share that some of our talented students have entered the competition. Here they are:
Title: My Birth Angel
I chose the Annunciation - Luke 1:26-36, because it spoke so loudly to me. The thought of all of us having an angel beside us all the time and the thought of God choosing to have you born into this world is really mindblowing.
In my artwork I blended different shades of yellow and brown to make the wings of my angel. The wings are large and cover a major part of my painting. This is because is represents protection and beauty. I used yellow because it is a symbol of light, which is a symbol of God's presence. I also chose the colours blue and green as the body of my angel, blue meaning powerful and healing. Green represents hope and life of each new day.
The patterns on my angel symbolise the connection I have with it, knowing that my angel is different from other angels and is unique, as we all are made in God’s image.
Title: The Ascension of the Star
I created a painting from The Birth of Jesus and the Visit of the Magi. When the wise men saw the star it was a message that something great was about to happen. The birth of Jesus.
My artwork is inspired by the Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama who is famous for her dots. I used the bold colour yellow as a significant focus, where I blended lots of different types of yellow to make the star. I also used dots as a method of repetition to create spaces and a feeling of rhythm and movement. Yellow represents light which is a symbol of the presence of God. The star means guidance, enlightenment, and spirituality. They are seen as celestial beacons that illuminate the darkness, offering hope and inspiration to us all. My star represents energy, dreams, and aspirations, just as Jesus is for us all.
Title: The Birth of Our Saviour Jesus Christ
My artwork was inspired by the printmaking techniques I have been exploring in the art room with my art teacher. The idea for my print came from a photo titled “Jesus Christ Birth Night” by My God Pictures. This image inspired me to create a similar print depicting the birth of Jesus.
Additionally, the passage “The Birth of Jesus Foretold” from Matthew 1:18-21 deeply influenced my work. The passage describes how Jesus Christ came to be born, mentioning that His mother, Mary, was engaged to Joseph. This narrative inspired me to capture the essence of that moment in my print. To create the walls of the stable, I used foam and a pencil to press patterns into the paper. For the shelter and palm trees, I chose a dark navy midnight blue paint. This colour represents the calm and serene night of Jesus’ birth, symbolising peace and the divine presence in the humble setting of the stable.
Title: The Journey to Jesus
My artwork is an interpretation of the Journey to Bethlehem, capturing the joy and determination of Mary and Joseph. Inspired by Luke 2:3-5, each section of the piece reflects different stages of their journey and the emotions they experienced.
First Panel: The journey begins in Nazareth, depicted with light tones of yellow and white, symbolising the purity and hope of Mary and Joseph. The buildings have white roofs, and the sky is a serene, flowing blue with clouds, representing the calm before their difficult journey.
Middle Panel: The central section portrays the challenging path to Bethlehem. Dark green trees and grass contrast with the sandy, steep hills, illustrating the physical and emotional trials they faced. The sky transitions from light to dark blue, symbolizing the passage of time and the perseverance required to continue.
Third Panel: Bethlehem is shown with dark black buildings illuminated by yellow lights, highlighting the town’s significance. The bright star in the dark blue sky guides them to their destination. The manger and stable, painted in the yellow light of the star and browns, emphasize the importance of Jesus’ birthplace. The yellow hay roof and brown wooden manger provide a comforting setting for the newborn Jesus.
Throughout the artwork, the holy parents’ passion and dedication are evident as they travel the steep, green hills and towering trees. The thick, light brown trunks and dark, flowing leaves symbolise strength and resilience. This piece is a tribute to their faith and the miraculous journey to find a safe, caring home for Jesus.
My artwork captures the inspiring journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem, reflecting the parallels with our own life’s journey. The vibrant colours and rich history inspired me to create this piece, celebrating hope, joy, and faith.
The passage from Luke 2:3-5 is central to my work, embodying a message of hope and joy in the middle of challenges. It reminds us that life’s path, which can be sometimes difficult, is filled with moments of beauty and triumph. My artwork illustrates that while no path is perfectly straight, every journey is meaningful and rewarding.
The colours in my piece draw inspiration from the Catholic Church and the Liturgical calendar. The green symbolises ordinary time, representing growth and renewal, while the gold signifies hope, like the hope Mary and Joseph carried with them on their journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem.
Mary and Joseph’s journey is a testament to the power of faith and perseverance. Similarly, in life, even when the outcome is uncertain, our faith and hard work can lead to wonderful results. This artwork is a celebration of their faith and the hope that guides us all.