REC News

Dear Parents / Carers
Welcome back to Term 4!
Term 4
Reconciliation Date:
The Parent Information Evening for Reconciliation will be held in St Anthony's Church on Thursday 24 October at 6.30pm (Week 2 - Term 4).
All families who would like their child to do this Sacrament are invited to attend.
The Reconciliation Retreat Session will be held on Friday 15 November in the School Library - from 9-10.30am. At the Retreat Session we will share a Prayer Liturgy, reflect on what Reconciliation means and then do a craft activity. Morning tea will be provided for the Year 2 students and their parents. All Welcome!
Staff Spirituality Day - Alpha Retreat
On the last day of Term 4, the staff at St Anthony's participated in an Alpha Retreat Day. You may be thinking - What is Alpha?
Alpha is a course that gives an opportunity to explore life, faith and meaning. The staff have been meeting weekly throughout Term 3 for morning sessions, they are designed to engage people and inspire conversation. Each Alpha session started with breakfast, followed by a talk and then discussion in small groups. The talks aim to cover the basic beliefs of the Christian faith - a chance to explore the big issues of life and faith, unpacking the basics of Christian belief, addressing questions like “Who is Jesus?”, “Why and how do I pray?” and “How does God guide us?”.
Mid-way through the course was the Alpha Retreat Day, this was run by Reverend Dr Chris Ryan MGL, Director of Arete. Staff had the chance to explore the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, experience prayer ministry and meditate through prayer and art. The day concluded with the celebration of Mass.
Alpha will continue weekly throughout Term 4, allowing staff to further explore the meaning of life through their faith.
Final Family Mass - Term 4
St Anthony's 2024 Vinnies Christmas Appeal
Christmas is fast approaching and we are asking for your support with the 2024 Vinnies Christmas Appeal. Families are invited to donate any item from the list below. Please send it to school with your child to place in a basket in their classroom.
All donations are greatly appreciated and will be sent directly to the St Vincent de Paul Society to make up Christmas Hampers for families in need. The final day for donations will be Monday 2nd December. Thank you again for supporting this major appeal for
Term 4.
Kind Regards
May God’s blessings be with you,
Mrs Leanna Langlands
Religious Education Coordinator