Important Dates



21/02/24School Council Meeting

Whole School Assembly at 3pm

Enter through Gate D

14/02/24Prep Day Off
08/03/24Achievement Week Begins for Students
13/03/24NAPLAN Writing for year 3 and 5 students
14/03/24NAPLAN Reading for year 3 and 5 students
18/03/24NAPLAN Conventions of Languge for year 3 and 5 students
19/03/24NAPLAN Numeracy for year 3 and 5 students
20/03/24School Council Meeting - General Election
22/03/24APS Harmony Day Celebration
26/03/243-6 Sports Awareness
27/03/24F-2 Sports Awareness
28/03/24End of Term 1 - 2:30 finish for all students
29/03/24Good Friday Public Holiday