NAPLAN is a literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit each year. It is the only national assessment all Australian students have the opportunity to undertake. Testing for all Year 7 and 9 Students will take place between the 13th March and 18th March. Additional catchup days will be in place for students who may miss their schedule tests on the 19th March to the 22nd March.
As students progress through their school years, it is important to check how well they are learning the essential skills of reading, writing and numeracy. NAPLAN assesses the literacy and numeracy skills that students are learning through the school curriculum and allows parents/carers to see how their child is progressing against national proficiency standards. NAPLAN is just one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process.
NAPLAN is for all Year 7 and 9 students. Western Heights College supports inclusive testing, so all students have the opportunity to participate.
Adjustments are available for students with a disability who have diverse functional abilities and needs. We will work with parents/carers and students to identify, on a case-by-case basis, reasonable adjustments required for individual students with disability to access NAPLAN. If you want to discuss Adjustments, please contact Shona Scorringe at the College. Adjustments should reflect the support normally provided for classroom assessments.
In exceptional circumstances, a student with a disability that severely limits their capacity to participate in the assessment, or a student who has recently arrived in Australia and has a non-English speaking background, may be granted a formal exemption. If you wish to apply for an exemption from NAPLAN, please contact Ricki O'Shannessey at the College.
A schedule of the tests and further important information will be shared in the coming weeks
Warwick Lamb
Assistant Principal
Year 7
Clean Up Australia Schools’ Day, Friday 1 March, 2024.
Australia has a plastics problem. Australia now produces 2.5 million tonnes of plastic waste each year, equating to 100kg per person. Of this, only 13% of plastic is recovered and 84% is sent to landfill. More concerningly, around 130,000 tonnes of plastic we consume leaks into the marine environment each year. Over one million sea turtles are killed each year by eating plastic debris, and by 2025, it is predicted that 99% of seabirds will have ingested plastic.
Thankfully, WHC Year 7s participated in the Clean Up Australia Schools’ Day by donating their time and energy in collecting every bit of rubbish on the school grounds in session 6. The enthusiasm shown was legendary and on behalf of our environment, I would like to extend a gi-normous THANK YOU to all Year 7s and their teachers.
Keep putting your rubbish in the bins. Every bit helps!
Ms. Choong.
Conserve to Preserve!
Year 7 Science
Year 7 students completed a heating and cooling water practice.
Brent Watson, Year 7 LCL