Parent & Friends

First P&F meeting for 2024

Thank you for all those who attended the P&F meeting in the school hall last night, especially those called in at the last minute.


The meeting covered:

  • Confirmation of standing orders for 2024.
  • The preparation of the social events calendar for 2024 which will include dates for - mother day stall, family portraits, SJB trivia night spectacular and the most colourful run you have ever seen.
  • SJB families will be invited to submit a quote for the installation of the school shade sails (see principal report in newsletter for further details).
  • The next P&F meeting will be held at the Woonona Bulli RSL Wednesday 15 May.

The Easter Bunny is looking for baskets

The P&F are looking for donations of unwanted baskets that can used for the annual SJB Easter raffle. If you have any baskets can you please drop them into the office.


Easter raffle tickets and instructions will be sent home with students early next week.

Lawn Mowing

If you are interested in joining the Lawn Mowing Crew, please click on the link to our online volunteer form.


Andrew Renwick

Mobile: 04111 04161