Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1
- George for demonstrating that he can participate in Art activities.
- Arnav for transitioning from the classroom to the school garden.
Room 2
- Malik for requesting he needs help.
- Jasim for doing good sitting at morning circle.
Room 3
- Mahira using wood pieces to form the letters A, M and S, with the support of a template and teacher.
- Riyansha for sorting and matching the upper case and lower case letters of the alphabet.
Room 4
- Vaiga has been showing great reading skills, by sounding out unfamiliar words. What a star you are! Keep up the great work, Vaiga!
Room 5
- Zac working on his fine motor skills. Well done Zac
Room 6
- Ransher for looking after himself by listening to teachers and following directions.
- Erwon for following JSA expected behaviours looking after others by being helpful, holding hands and taking his peer to the bus.
Room 7
- Mohammad for using call boards to communicate his needs.
- Enver for great turn taking.
Room 8
- Ashwath for showing resilence and sticking to the task.
Room 9
- Oliver for including his peers in games in the playground and trying his hardest to learn new skills academically.
- Mabior for playing ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf’ nicely with his peers in playground