Facilities News 

Dr Denise Clarke              Frances Hansen

Capital Works Manager     Facilities Manager

Capital Works

The Yaluk building is getting close to completion. The site sheds have all been removed from the oval and restoration work has begun.

Oval being re-instated
Oval being re-instated
Last site shed leaving the school
Last site shed leaving the school




Rotor soft fall material re-installed
Rotor soft fall material re-installed
Basic landscaping starting
Basic landscaping starting




Gym with stage
Gym with stage


Basket ball ring installed, screen for professional learning, part of dividing wall that for the performing arts room (stage)
Basket ball ring installed, screen for professional learning, part of dividing wall that for the performing arts room (stage)






Mirrors on dividing wall in Performing Arts room
Mirrors on dividing wall in Performing Arts room



Practical Completion was extended until Friday 8th (today).  The architect and project manager will be touring the site today to review any comments by the building inspector and examine all aspects of the building and note any areas that require further work. There are still a number of items to be completed including joinery in classrooms (upholstered reading nooks) and booths in one room.

During next week, key staff will be trained on various pieces of equipment e.g. moving basketball rings out of the way when using the stage.

We are currently completing transition preparation plans which will include a "walk through" the new building for students. Staff have been offered another walk through after school tonight.

Facilities  News

The following works are planned for the Term 1 break:

  • Storm water repair in Admin/Parent carpark.
  • Tree removal and canopy lift of trees around the school.
  • Repairs to rooms around the school.

Planned Maintenance works will be occurring at the school for the 2 weeks of the Term 1 break to minimise disruption to staff and students. These include:

  • Restumping parts of the main building.
  • Replacing roof of Primary toilet block and walkway.
  • Replacing emergency water tank.
  • Replacing and resealing the joints on the roof of Main Building.
  • Removal of ceilings and eaves in secondary area.