
Principal News Flash 

Stephanie Torchia & Dan Moloney 



Hi there everybody!

We hope that all of our families have enjoyed settling back into the school term smoothly. We have experienced some hot and even wild local weather and hope that you all managed through it all. Perhaps we should expect a warmer than usual March ahead.


In overseeing all matters Wellbeing & Inclusion and Teaching & Learning, here are our important updates:


Term 1 SSGs

It was lovely to see so many families meeting up with their child's new classroom teacher for 2024. This is an important time for our parents to share their priorities regarding their child's learning and wellbeing needs to be reflected in their upcoming IEP goals. Please make sure that you schedule this important meeting time each term.

Semester 1 IEPs

In Week 9, we will be sending home your child's Semester 1 Individual Education Plan (or IEP). In this round of IEPs, we will be providing additional features including the following:

  • Academic level for each goal
  • Level/Degree of Learning Adjustment
  • Level and Type of Teaching Strategies we use for each curriculum area

We have prepared a set of supportive guidelines to explain each of these features to you step by step.

Unexplained Absences

As you can appreciate, we want to encourage ongoing school attendance. 

If your child has been away, we ask that you routinely contact the school to confirm your reasons to rectify any 'unexplained absences'. That way, we can accurately reflect this information in your child's ongoing attendance record.

All student absences can be made through the dedicated student absence notification number. Text the student's name, room number and reason for absence.

Ensure you have the student absence notification number saved in your contacts: 

Student absence line: 0439 114 197