Lindy Burke

Wow! What a week!

Week 3 sure has been action packed! 



Monday kicked off with the Grade 3 to 6 House Swimming Sports and what a day! With soaring temperatures, 160 enthusiastic students and a fun filled swimming carnival meticulously organised by Mr Holmfield, it was bound for success. It was wonderful to see our newly appointed leaders step up into their House Captain roles to help lead their House on the day. A great day was had by all!



Wednesday saw our annual East Survivor extravaganza kick off. Our 20 school/house leaders lead a team of multi-ages students through various fun activities, scoring points for skills, accuracy, kindness, encouragement, whilst displaying all of our school values. It was a great day had by all. Again, thank you to Mr Holmfield for his organisation and enthusiasm facilitating the day!



While the kids were busy with East Survivor, the classroom teachers were very catching up with parents. It was wonderful to see so many families make the time to come into the school and meet their child’s teacher/s. These catch-up meetings are valuable opportunities for us to collaborate and ensure that we are providing the best support for the students academic and personal development. During the interviews, staff discuss the child's strengths, areas for improvement, any recent achievements, and strategies for further growth and parent share any additional information that may further support their child when at school. A Big thank you to all who made the most of the day.



Thursday Mr Hawthorn had his first Hands on Learning group for 2024. Hands on Learning is a program. The program builds wellbeing, engagement, and increases student achievement by creating opportunities for young people to discover their talents and experience success through practical learning out of the classroom. At Echuca East we are running the Café program, where 8 Level 4 students, are immersed in the world of food and they learn how to prepare, cook and serve meals to staff (and themselves) each Thursday. It was great to see the program up and running again this year!



At 5:30 this morning Deena, Kathy and 20 of our Leaders headed off to Melbourne to the National Young Leaders day Conference. The students get the opportunity to listen to some amazing speakers, who inspire, entertain and share in their journey. We can’t wait to hear all about the day next week!



Wishing you all a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday