Year 7 News


As we approach the end of Term One, we proudly reflect on the outstanding start to life at Greensborough College for our Year 7 students. 


With eager faces and boundless energy, these future leaders have embarked on their high school journey with enthusiasm and an infectious cheery disposition that has uplifted the whole school community. 


It has been heartwarming to see all our Year 7 students helping each other find their way around the school, forging friendships, and always willing to lend a hand to their peers. They have come so far in such a short time, and the rapid pace with which they have acclimatised to life as secondary school students is remarkable.  


If Term One is a snapshot of what lies ahead for our Year 7 students, then the future is certainly bright, and we are so very excited to see them continue to shine throughout the year.  

Congratulations on an amazing start to life at Greensborough College. You should be as proud of yourselves as we are of you.