Senior Sub School 

What a fantastic start to the year for the Senior School students.  


We are thrilled to report that the start to the school year has been nothing short of fantastic here in the Senior School. Our Year 12 cohort is already hard at work, demonstrating dedication and enthusiasm towards their studies. We are immensely proud of their efforts and commitment.  


In exciting news, our Year 12 students recently received their  year 12 jackets, marking an important milestone in their academic journey. These jackets symbolise unity, pride, and the strong bond shared among the graduating class.  


The swimming carnival was an absolute blast, with our Year 12 students truly shining with their creative costumes and incredible team spirit. It was a joy to see them come together and showcase their school values in such a fun and lively event.  


Looking ahead, we have some important upcoming events on the horizon. Our Year 10 students will be attending the 2024 Careers Expo on the 2nd of May, followed by our Year 12 students on the 3rd of May. These expos present a fantastic opportunity for our students to explore various career pathways, gather information on future opportunities, and gain insights into tertiary education options.  


We encourage all Year 10 students to make the most of this valuable experience to start planning their future pathways, and we urge our Year 12 students to take full advantage of the resources available at the expo as they prepare to transition into higher education. 


Congratulations to our top Positive Behaviour Merits recipients for term 1. Abbey Christie of year 10 has received 19 Merits so far, 7 of which for demonstrating Aspiration.  In year 11 Leigh-Roy Roe has earnt himself 19 Positive Behaviour Merits, 6 of which for demonstrating our school value of respect. Our year 12 Positive Behaviour Merit leader is tied between Lilly Henderson and Jobe Matheson. Both students have demonstrating aspiration for the main reason for their Merits.  


Well done to all Positive behaviour Merit recipients. Both Sub-Schools will be stocking up the Merit cabinet so make sure you cash in your hard-earnt merits.    We are grateful for the ongoing support and involvement of our school community in nurturing and empowering our students. Together, we can continue to inspire and guide our students towards a bright and successful future. 


Thank you for being a part of our Senior School journey and enjoy your well earnt break.