Assistant Principal's Report

Term One has been a short but busy term. Our students have embraced their learning opportunities and made the most of all their different learning experiences.


Students have undertaken Literacy and Numeracy assessments from the start of the term and we have completed our NAPLAN online testing, with our highest attendance and completion rate so far. We had a representative from VCAA come to our college to observe a test session during the NAPLAN and she commended us for the great organisation which contributed to the session running smoothly. She also specifically mentioned that our students were attentive, quiet & helpful. Well done to all Year 7 and 9 students for completing the tests with such diligence.


Over the holidays we encourage families to log onto Compass and ensure that your child is up to date with Learning tasks. Holidays may provide an opportunity to catch up on work that has been missed or to create a summary of first term learnings. Year 12 students are now one-third of the way through their learning program, so a comprehensive revision of content to date will be important.


Remember also to review the feedback provided by teachers on Compass Learning Tasks for all Common Assessment Tasks (CATs) and School Assessed Coursework (SACs). This can be discussed at our Parent Teacher Interviews on Wednesday, 17th of April. These will be held onsite at the College and there will be no scheduled classes on this day.  To book, please click on 'Conferences' on Compass.


I would like to wish all our families a safe and happy holiday and hope that you all manage to have a well-earned break.


Rose Thomson

Assistant Principal