Senior School

Student Mentors
We are now calling for expressions of interest from Senior School students in all year levels who are interested in being a peer mentor.
What is mentoring?
The peer mentoring program provides an opportunity for senior students to work on a voluntary basis with other Senior School students who are seeking assistance or guidance with one of their subjects.
What does the commitment involve?
Peer mentoring arrangements are highly flexible depending on the need of the student seeking support. Sessions might be occasional or on a more regular basis. Times are made by mutual arrangement such as before or after school, during break times or Study Periods. Suitable meeting locations are on campus and might include the Senior School Library, break out rooms in WN Oats Centre or Common Room areas.
What are the benefits?
The purpose of the peer mentoring program is to provide those seeking assistance with some additional support and guidance in a particular subject area. Our experience also tells us that mentoring has major benefits for the students providing the assistance. After all, there is no better way to revise and study for a topic than to explain and summarise concepts to another person. Peer mentor hours also count towards the Friends' Certificate.
Who should sign up?
Mentors should consider themselves to have a strength in the subject area, be willing to make themselves available to work with students potentially on an ongoing basis and have strong communication skills while also being encouraging and patient.
What other requirements are there?
While all peer mentoring sessions take place on campus under the incidental supervision of staff, those over 18 years of age are required to have a valid Working with Vulnerable People registration. You can apply for this here and the School will reimburse you for the cost.
How do I sign up?
Expressions of interest can be made by filling out this online form. The program is open for the remainder of 2024. For further details, please speak to Adam Chambers.
Year 11 and 12 SASS Presentation
Monday 4 March
As part of our Respectful Relationships and Pastoral Care program, Years 11 and 12 students will hear from a speaker from Sexual Assault Support Service on Monday 4 March. The presentation will largely focus on the idea of consent and healthy, ethical sexual decision making. Previous workshops and Assemblies run by SASS at Friends' have been highly valued by students and staff and form part of our ongoing focus on respectful relationships. Students will be notified of the presentation and are able to opt out by talking to their tutor or Amy Harris.
There will be follow up pastoral care discussions in Long Tutor as part of the SELT program and support will be available for any student experiencing issues as a result.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s tutor, House Leader or Amy Harris.
Senior School Handbook
The Senior School Handbook provides families with detailed information about The Friends' School, the School structure and locations, learning principles and frameworks, pastoral care, communications and publications, transport and road safety and day-to-day matters and activities. The handbook is also located on The Friends' School website. For any further questions, please contact us.
Year 9 Program -The Calling
Thursday 29 Feb to Friday 1 March
Anticipation has been at an all time high with the Year 9 students in preparation for their first experience.
Students will be spending Thursday afternoon in House workshops focused on creativity, teamwork, sharing and community. They will then share a meal and stay in WN Oats Centre.
On Friday, they will rise at 5am and hit the summit of kunanyi for a Sunrise, before trekking back to school. We look forward to sharing photos and stories from this experience.
All details have been sent separately to year 9 families.
Relay for Life 2024 - Thank you
Thank you to all students, staff and families who supported the event over the weekend, either by participating at the event, donating and/or contributing to fundraising events. It was one of our must successful events to date.
Donations can still be made to team 'Friendlies” at
Jazz Band
Jazz Band rehearsals are underway and meet every Tuesday between 3:45pm and 4:45pm in The Sheila Given Music Centre. Please email for further information.
Wind Ensemble
Wind Ensemble has commenced and now rehearses on Monday mornings between 7.30am and 8.30am in the Sheila Given Music Centre. This ensemble is for students who have played a wind, brass or percussion instrument for approximately 4 years. Students in this ensemble will have the option to participate in a trip to Melbourne to attend the Victorian Schools Music Festival in August.
Please email Hilary Morgan for further information.
Choir Rehearsals - All students welcome
- Year 7 Choir: Thursday 7.45am | The Green Room (The Farrall Centre)
- Bella Voce (Years 8 to 12): Thursday 3.45pm - 4.45pm | Shelia Given Music Centre (High School Music Rooms)
- Man Choir (Years 8 to 12): Thursday 3.45pm - 4.45pm | Shelia Given Music Centre (High School Music Rooms)
String Ensemble Rehearsals
- Friends Camerata: Tuesdays 3.45pm | Shelia Given Music Centre (High School Music Rooms)
- Middle School Chamber Strings: Tuesdays 7.30am | The Farrall Centre Auditorium
Senior School Office
Please note that the School Office contact details for Years 9 to 12 are as follows:
Phone: 6210 2255