Principal's Report

Dear Families


It's been a tremendous week at Macedon Primary School.


Last Friday, a group of kind, alert and responsible students found an injured possum in the playground and had the sense to have a couple of people stay with the possum while others sought help. The possum was collected by Wildlife Rescue checked over and released back into the school environment over the weekend thanks to Mrs Stein Reeves. This exemplifies the caring nature of the Macedon Primary School community.


Student Initiatives

Macedon Primary School has done some terrific work over the last 12 months with the Quaglia Institute to support students to have voice and agency in their learning and life at school. As a result the students have input into curriculum planning and school activities. The year six students all have leadership roles and under the guidance of Miss Pitts, work on these roles at their fortnightly leadership session.


Crazy Sock Day last week was a Junior School Council initiative enjoyed by all students. We had an incredible display of socks, some even had lollies pinned to them!


As mentioned last week, one of our House Captains, Levi has been working on a project to support the Royal Children's Hospital Good Friday Appeal. Holly has joined Levi in his quest to raise $500 over the coming weeks. At the last check, $300 had been donated.


The link for donations is


Parents and Friends Association

A written request, signed by 6 parents, to establish a parents' club at Macedon Primary School has been received. This is a requirement to establish a club/association under the Department's guidelines and something the school has been working towards.


A meeting has been organised for Friday 22 March at 9.00am in the JCB to decide if a parents' club is to be formally constituted. While there is a specific purpose for this meeting and no other agenda items can be included, it would be terrific to get as many people as possible attending as informal discussions strengthen community connections can lead to great things.


Students Riding to School - Safety

This term we have had 3 reports of near-misses involving students on bikes and cars. In one case, we were able to identify the child and inform parents, however with the other two events we do not know who was involved. These occurred around Mc Bean street and could involve siblings riding to school together.  We are reaching out through the newsletter to encourage families to have a talk with children who ride to school and revise road safety (which we are sure you do on a regular basis).


Working Bee - This Saturday 16th of March

9:00 am -11:00am

Curtin and Bourke (but anyone else welcome)

The main jobs –  filling up the sand pits and raking soft fall. The House and Environmental 

Captains have also made a job list. Some of the jobs they have suggested include watering and weeding, cutting back some of the plants, tidying up the dry creek bed and taking the blinds down in the rotunda. They will place a job board in the main foyer on Thursday afternoon so that families can choose a job they are interested in and sign up. 

If anyone wants to bring secateurs they could snip away at some bushes. BYO brooms, rakes and shovels, no power tools please. Lots of gardens could do with weeds removed and a dig over.

Children welcome, but must be supervised by their parents.

Morning tea provided.