From the School Leadership Team

Foundation Classrooms 

Work is continuing on our Foundation classrooms, and we are excited to be able to see them really taking shape now. We have been blessed by the warmer weather which has really enabled construction to continue quickly since the start of the year. We now have the walls up, and the steelwork frame will be installed during March. The retaining wall and ramp to the oval and basketball courts will also be rebuilt in late March and early April. We are certainly excited at the prospect of having the ramp back! We are awaiting a final engineering inspection on the middle (Junior Primary) playground following the installation of a new retaining wall there, and envisage that this should reopen during March as well. 


Middle of Term Breakfast 

Whilst it is not quite the middle of the term yet, it is a good opportunity to remind our families about Middle of Term Breakfast coming up, as well as putting in some information about what this is for all of our new families - as we'd love to see you there. 

Each term, on the very middle Wednesday of term, we enjoy a Middle of Term Breakfast that our P & F put on for us. This term we will enjoy hot cross buns. The cafe will also be open to provide tea and coffee. This is a great community event where parents, students and our staff team can come together to chat and build connection and community. Middle of Term Breakfasts take place before school from 8.00am - 8.45am in the School Courtyard. 

We look forward to welcoming you there! 


Sporting Teams 


A reminder that registrations are open for netball teams this year. It would be great to have a number of teams up and running. If you are interested, please register as soon as you are able so that we can finalise the teams.

To register please click the following link:



Registrations for Term 1 have now closed. Please contact the Office if you have any queries. 


Strategic Plan 

We have an exciting year ahead as we embark on the implementation of our new strategic plan. We are energised by our purpose to enrich the lives of children and each individual in our school community, and beyond the school environment. With a Christ- centred foundation, we foster an inclusive environment where everyone can belong, explore and thrive. Equally exciting are our new values - love, collaborate and explore, which will underpin all that we do, as well as our strategic priority areas of: 

• Excellence and innovation in learning 

• Well-being and culture

• Community and Partnerships

• School Development



Parent Lounge 

We are excited that our new parent portal, Parent Lounge, has been launched this year. This is a great way to be able to check that your contact details and your child's medical details are up to date, as well as to be able to view the school calendar. 

Please check your email for the login information sent in Week 1 of term, and you are most welcome to be in touch with us if you have any queries around the login process.


A few reminders 

Please be reminded of some of our key events to commence the year: 

  • Friday 1 March - SAPSASA Swimming 
  • Saturday 2 March - Fishing Club at Goolwa
  • Wednesday 6 March - Middle of Term Breakfast 8.00am - 8.45am

Will Wallace


Is it rude?

Is it mean?

Is it bullying?


These posters are pinned up around our school and remind our students exactly what they mean. It is important that students know the difference and to also know when something may by unintentional. Distinguishing between the 3 statements helps both students and staff to know what steps to take to deal with any issues that arise.

Bullying is dealt with when it arises but there are occasions when students feel that they have been bullied but when we tackle the problem, we find out that it perhaps fits the criteria of rude or mean. The difference with these two words is that mean is done with intent and rude is done without intent. Mean often occurs when a child is angry, and they don’t know how to express their feelings. Rude can look like bullying at times but when put into context they are often thoughtless behaviours in response to something which are not necessarily meant to hurt anyone.

While we hope our students aren’t rude or mean or bully, we know that when something does happen, we can address the situation and teach students how best to deal with it as well. It is also important that students are given the opportunity to work through problems themselves. This helps improve skills in problem solving, negotiation, resilience, understanding and many other important developmental skills needed in life. Students can use peace talks as well as restorative practices with staff support if needed.

Things will pop up from time to time and we look forward to working with our students to help them in navigating and building stronger relationships.


Tim Kriewaldt

Deputy Principal/Learning Support Coordinator