Parents' Association

Easter Raffle
It's nearly the end of term so it must be time for the annual Easter Hamper Raffle! This is a favourite event with our students, and I know many of them have already handed in their Easter egg donations to their teachers. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far, and we will accept donations up to Monday 25th March.
All money raised from the raffle goes towards landscaping the garden around the new buildings.
If you would like to help to assemble the hampers, the PA will be running a wrapping session at the school on Monday 25th March from 3.45–5pm in Mrs Melke's room (next to the office). We had amazing helpers last year, who completed the hampers in a record 30 minutes! It's a fun job, and Syndal South parents are so generous with their donations that we can have up to 40 hampers to wrap.
All helpers will need a current Working with Children Check (free for volunteers) and a 2024 induction. Michelle from the office will run a quick induction session on the day at 3.45pm. Please meet her at the school office (it only takes a couple of minutes).
To volunteer for the hamper wrapping, please join the PA “taskforce” at