Assistant Principal's Report

Mitch Harris

Extended Home Group

This week in extended Home Group, students have been interacting with our school values, including how they can be displayed in different settings. We have had a particular focus on Respect by utilisng the schools swimming sports as our setting. 

Recognising Positive Behaviour

At Mount Beauty SC we value students demonstrating positive and productive relationships. Staff are actively trying to acknowledge students demonstrating positive behaviour and communicating this with them. Students can strive for recognition by actively displaying the values of Respect, Kindness and Confidence. 

School Day

A reminder to students and parents/guardians that the school day commences at 9:00am with the warning music beginning at 8:55am. It is important that all students arrive at school and are at Home Group for roll marking by 9:00am. 


The bell for the completion of the school day will go at 3:20pm, students are required to remain at school throughout the day. Students needing to leave the school grounds throughout the school day need written permission from parents, this then needs to be communicated to the school office.  


Students in Year 7 & 10 will have received information about immunisations. Please ensure that appropriate forms are completed and that any student who is not participating in the immunisation program is communicated to the school office. There is a new booking system - more details can be found under the immunisations section of the newsletter.

Contact Me

If you would like to discuss anything please feel free to contact me.

Mitch Harris – Assistant Principal.