Principal's Report

Simone Roy

Swimming Sports

Wednesday started overcast and cool, after the storms from the night before, but it quickly cleared and became the perfect weather for the House Swimming Sports – not too hot and not too cold. It was great to see family members there to support their children and also volunteering with jobs to help out the staff on the day. This year had the biggest participation rate that I have seen in a long while, which helped to reduce the gap between overall points scored. 


It was great to see each house represented in almost every relay event this year. Well done to all the students who raced, joined in a race despite swimming not being their thing, joined the participation lane, assisted with jobs, cheered their house mates on, and turned up for a great day with their friends.


Congratulations to the VCE Vocational Major (VM) students, who were supported by Josh Davies to run another successful BBQ. Organising the BBQ covers some of their coursework and raises money to go towards purchasing their VM work shirts.


Thanks to all the staff that helped make the day run smoothly; so smoothly that the event finished early this year and students were able to help the staff to pack up (always a dreaded task at the end of a hot day!).


Finally, thanks and congratulations, to Jenny Farrington for the organisation of this event. After running it over many years, she has created a finely oiled machine. It takes a huge effort to run a smooth sports event, which is made much easier with everyone pitching in and lending a hand. Well done to Bogong - winners of the 2024 House Swimming Sports. Congratulations to second and third places - Hotham and Feathertop respectively. 

School Council Meeting

Wednesday the 21st of February will be the last meeting of the current School Council. The meeting will be held in Room 9 at 6pm. Observers are welcome to attend. After next week’s meeting, I will begin advertising for new school council members, as we have a number of positions that will become available.

If you haven’t been on School Council before, I urge that you consider it. It is a good opportunity to hear more about the planning, direction and focus of the school. The commitment is 8 meetings per year (2 per term) with a 2 year tenure.

Student Free Days

This year, school has a total of 5 student free days, the fifth being the whole school Professional Practice Day. The remaining student free dates for this year are: 

  • Friday June 14th (Report Writing day)
  • Thursday 1st August (staff Professional Learning)
  • Monday 4th November (Monday before Cup Day, staff Professional Learning).