From the Principal
School Closure Friday 8th March - Student Free Day
Care programs available with Beyond Edu Care.
Staff will strengthen their understanding of evidence-based practices for teaching literacy on this day.
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Life-Saving Victoria Helicopter Visit
Thank you to all the parents and families who joined us last Wednesday for Life Saving Victoria’s Helicopter landing. The special visit was a wonderful and exciting way to promote water safety to our students.
2024 Twilight Sports
We look forward to students and their families joining us this FRIDAY, 1st March 4:30-6:30pm to join in the House Twilight Sports. This is a wonderful opportunity for new families to St Simon’s, including our preps, to come together for a fun and spirited experience where the students compete for their House team.
Zoopper Doopers will be available for sale after the event as a cool treat thanks to the St Simon’s Parents’ Association.
On the night, St Simon’s families are asked to refrain from parking in the Scout Hall carpark. This is a request the school received last time we ran this event. Thank you for your consideration and cooperation.
Click here for more information, and look out for the Audiri notifications with information leading up to the event.
Digital Safety Parent Session THIS Thursday!
We would love to see a representative from every school family at this critical event.
As a parent, I know how challenging raising children can be with digital technologies and devices, and so this is why St Simon’s creates this opportunity for parents and carers to get up-to-date support and insights about how to support children navigating our connected world. Please register below or just turn up on the night. Each family that attends goes into the a door prize draw, Two prizes up for grabs this year!!
St Simon’s Social Media
You may have noticed some great content and insights about St Simon’s School coming through our Facebook and Instagram pages. Michael Fitzsimmons and a dedicated team of staff have been doing a great job at capturing some the activities that make St Simon’s great and special. If you consume Social media, I encourage you to connect with our pages. Click here for more information.
Canteen 2024
Our school canteen is up and running again for 2024 and we are very grateful for all the volunteers who make this possible. Thank you to Jinny and Jason Robe who coordinate the canteen with the support of the school office admin team.
We ask that families consider how you might support the canteen throughout the year by volunteering to assist on a Friday shift.
Please get in touch with the school office for more information about what’s involved, including child safety procedures and processes.