Key Dates

Term 1
Tuesday 12th to 1 - Year 10 Dare to Dream Week
Wednesday 13th to 15th - Year 12 Retreat and Year 11 Retreat
Friday 15th - Year 10 Personal Development Day
Monday 18th - Urversity Week
Thursday 21st - Harmony Day
Friday 22nd - Liturgy and Easter Raffle
Friday 22nd - Years 7-10 Final Day of classes, 3.05pm finish
Monday 25th to 28th - VCE Independent online learning
Kildare Ministries Conference for all staff
Monday 25th - School Office closes 1.00pm (until Tuesday 2nd April)
Thursday 28th - VCE/VM Teachers online as required 9.00am-12.00pm
Friday 29th - Good Friday (Public holiday)
Saturday 30th - Holy Saturday
Sunday 31st - Easter Sunday
Term 2
Tuesday 2nd - School office re-opens
Monday 15th - Term 2 commences for students and staff
Thursday 18th - Year 7 Elections
Friday 19th - Year 7 Meet and Greet 9.15am - 10.30am
Wednesday 24th - Twilight Evening
Thursday 25th - ANZAC DAY (Public Holiday)
Friday 26th - Student Free Day
Tuesday 30th - Year 9 Personal Development Dat
Thursday 2nd - Normal classes P1-4, then Online PTS Learning Conversations 1.30pm - 7pm
Friday 3rd - Athletics Day
Tuesday 7th - School Assembly P3&4
Wednesday 8th - Normal classes P1-4, then Online PTS Learning Conversations 1.30pm - 7pm
Friday 10th - Year 8 Personal Development Day
Sunday 12th - Mother's Day
Tuesday 14th - Year 7 Community Conversation
Friday 17th - Year 7 Personal Development Day
Thursday 23rd - Solidarity Mass P3&4
Tuesday 28th - Online Day