Student Spotlight

Lily C
In November of last year, I captained the Victorian under 16 Mixed Team at the Junior Indoor Netball Nationals held in Queensland. It is a seven-day tournament played over eight days, with one rest day in the middle.
The first three days of the tournament we play six-a side which is where there are six players on the court. There are no regular positions, we just have two attacks, two links and two defence. In the last four days of the tournament, we play seven-a side, which has regular netball positions but there are slightly different rules.
On the last day of the tournament, there is a presentation night held with all of the states, which is where they announce the Australian teams. I was one of only three Victorians selected across all four age groups. I will be representing Australia in the under 17 Mixed Team in New Zealand in July of this year in a tri-nation series against New Zealand and South Africa.
I am very excited and extremely grateful for this opportunity and can't wait!