Junior School

- Mr Stephen Nelson, Head of Junior School

Happy Holidays 

It is hard to believe the mid-point of the school year is upon us.  It has been an engaging and rewarding Term Two.  I thank Myrniong staff, students and parents for their collective contributions.  I wish everyone in the Junior School learning community a well-deserved, safe and enjoyable winter holiday break.  Term Three classes will commence on Tuesday 16 July. 

Berry House Fundraiser

Congratulations to Berry House students, staff and Year 6 parents on a fantastic ‘It’s In The Bag’ fundraiser.  $333.00 was raised for a very worthy cause.  ‘It’s in the Bag’ is a Christmas appeal in which bags are filled with essential items, and maybe some everyday luxuries, to donate to someone in need for Christmas.

OCHRE Maths - Parent Forum

This year the Junior School has moved to utilise a new evidence-based explicit instruction Mathematics delivery model and platform - Ochre Mathematics.  We will be conducting a forum on Tuesday 23 July at 6.00 pm for interested Junior School parents.  At this forum, we will run through how Ochre is being delivered in the Prep to Year 6 classrooms and, answer any questions pertaining to our move to Ochre Mathematics.

STAR Students

The following students were awarded a Star Student Award at this week’s Assembly. 



  • Tom Lewis for his exceptional creativity in constructing outstanding creations with Mobilo.
  • Riley Galloway for his remarkable imaginative play as he shares his learning with his peers.
  • Audrey Wark for her consistent assistance and support in taking the lead in the outdoor learning area, ensuring the space was tidy and safe for everyone. 


  • Evie Price for writing sentences containing capitals and full stops with extremely neat handwriting.
  • Lucy Wall for the consistent home learning of 'tricky' words.  Recognising these words within text has resulted in fluent reading.

Year 1

  • Tilley Lovett for working hard on her segmenting and blending to decode new words and for focusing on fluency when reading aloud. 

Year 2

  • Charlie Wall for his increased focus during InitiaLit Spelling lessons.  He has listened, answered questions & offered his thoughts without prompting and completed a greater number of tasks. Well done, Charlie.

Year 3

  • Eva Solum for her exceptional organizational skills and genuine care for her peers foster a positive learning environment. This term, she consistently put forth her best effort in all subjects, inspiring those around her.
  • Daisy Tigges for always putting her best interests in her learning and never giving up. Daisy’s creative and growing mindset has created a spark in our classroom environment. 
  • Harriet Small for her positive energy and dedication.  Harriet inspires us all with her commitment to every subject, motivating classmates to achieve their best. Her captivating reading style brings stories to life for everyone.

Year 4

  • Euan Baulch for his engagement and interest during Inquiry lessons, always answering questions and actively participating in conversations.
  • Tilly Cameron for having a positive term, always trying her best, giving everything a go to the best of her ability, and always with a smile on her face.

Year 5

  • Henry Bufton is an avid reader who is consistent in having his Individual Reading material ready each day.
  • Sophia Gaussen for demonstrating kindness by being willing to share her incredible knowledge and understanding of technology.

Year 6

  • Sidney Hawker for having a go at all learning tasks without exception, but particularly in persevering in tricky maths reasoning problems.  Sidney makes an effort to step out of his comfort zone to contribute to class discussions and is a well-respected class member.


We are at the halfway point of the 2024 GRHA season.  College Tigers sit in second place on the Division 5 ladder, with College Panthers in fourth place.  In Division 4, the Foxes are undefeated and in first position on the ladder, with the Wolves in third place. 


In last weekend’s matches:


Division 5 Panthers had a great game against Coleraine Maroon, coming away with an exciting 3-1 win.  Bobby Giles and Daisy Tigges were strong in defence and George Whinney, Chelsea Pickford and Eloise Bufton each scored a goal.  Player of the match was Rosie Bell for her great passing and positional play.


Division 5 Tigers were strong 8-0 winners over Demons Red. 


Division 4 Foxes recorded an impressive 9-0 win over Coleraine Maroon. Daisy Hall, Max Cameron, Hartley Johns, and Hugo Cameron scored goals.


Division 4 Wolves secured their second win of the season with a 4-1 win over Coleraine Gold. Goal scorers were Evie Templeton, Tommy Brown and Oscar Hawthorne.  Best on ground for Wolves were Kirav Patel and Lachlan Pickford.