Learning and Teaching

 - Mrs Anna Robertson 

Thank you to all those families who could attend the 2025 Curriculum Information Evening on Tuesday this week. It was certainly a very busy night for staff, students, and families, and I know it has provided much food for thought and discussion over the next few weeks. For those who were unable to attend, please see the links below to watch the presentations. 


Explore 2025 - Year 8 and 9


Emerge 2025 - Years 10 to 12


2025 Curriculum Guide


To support these conversations, I wanted to share more of our Senior students’ thoughts on subject selection. These students shared their experiences at an assembly with us earlier in the year, and I hope their words and experience are helpful.


Student Spotlight

Shavon Wong, Year 12

I chose my subjects based on my interest, passion in maths and subjects I think, with the appropriate amount of effort, I would likely achieve success. I am currently doing English, methods, specialist, physics and Chinese. After I graduate, I hope to step out of my comfort zone and explore different countries with my friends this year. Next year, I am planning on possibly doing a 6 month to a year gap program in the UK to travel and gain some work experience. Alternatively, I would want to go back to Singapore and do an internship in a law firm or help my dad out with his business, before entering university hopefully in the UK or Europe. The possibilities are endless.

Jack Jarvis, Year 11

When I was choosing my subjects for year 11, I thought about what subjects I enjoyed in the past, what subjects I was good at and what subjects I would need to do as prerequisites for university. Last year, I did Sport Science, which I really enjoyed and found interesting, so I chose to do PE, where we are learning all about how the body works during sport, which I can apply to my own life. I also did well and enjoyed Science in Year 10, so I chose to do Physics and Biology. Last year, I thought Engineering could be a possible career for myself, and after doing physics for over a term and really enjoying it, I am quite sure that Engineering is what I want to do. I am also doing Math Methods, a prerequisite for most engineering courses. As a Year 11, we can do a Year 12 subject to get a taste of a Year 12 class to be better prepared for next year. For this, I chose Business Management, which I thought would be interesting and possibly useful later in life. Most of the subjects I am doing are what I enjoy or am good at, and I chose a good variety of subjects to keep my options open after school, but I still encourage everyone to do what you enjoy.


Henry Russell, Year 11

For my subjects in year 11, I tried to focus on the subjects that I know I enjoyed and that could help me in the future, I personally am not 100% sure what I would like to do after finishing school but most probably a gap year or university. I am doing two sciences this year psychology, which is my 3-4 and physics, I am really enjoying both subjects I find that is learn lots of new thing in psychology as I never thought of doing till it was presented to me and I like physics as I hope to maybe continue doing something involving it after school. I am also doing two math; I really enjoyed it last year which as helped me with specialist math and math methods as it is easier to do if you are enjoying it but it has definitely been a challenge. my biggest regret was not doing a 1-2 in year 10, and fast tracing my 3-4 has just made it a little hard and sometime being a bit behind. But other than that I believe that these subjects will take me in the right direction for the future.


Amelie Hiscock, Year 11

It is so great that in our school we have opportunities to learn in a lot of different fields and areas of interest, this doesn’t just include the subjects that we are taught at school but also the extracurriculars that are offered, as well as the camps, such as the Melbourne experience that the year 9s are currently at. It might not be obvious how these opportunities help whilst we’re there but looking back, I can say that the year 9 Melbourne experience helped me build independence, World Challenge, helped me build strength and confidence and YMUN helped in confirming fields of interest and growing my worldly connections. Currently I am still learning how to balance other people’s opinions with my own, I’m learning about how growing up works, kind of, and I continue to learn about the industry of music and Jazz that I witnessed on the weekend at generations. Learning so much all the time can make it hard to decide what you want to do in the future, close or distant. So, when deciding what subjects I want to do in school, I think about first what interests me, then what skills and knowledge I’d like to have and any that I might need for a later study or job. Interest, want, need. However, that last one becomes more necessary later in school, when thinking about VCE subjects. If there are too many interests, I would recommend the elimination process and thinking about where your skills lie but that also shouldn’t limit you, and not enough interests? I’d try and rank your subjects and find something interesting to you. I don’t have one pathway that I am set on pursuing after school but the opportunities that I have taken, have helped me narrow down the many different broad ideas that I had at the start of year 7. Right now, if someone was to ask me what I want to do after school, I think I would say that I would like to study law, diplomacy, or international relations, and I want to travel. However, my answer might change tomorrow and I’m fine with that. 


I am sure many, if not all, of our students and families, are ready for a well-earned break after a very busy and full term of learning and other College events and activities. I wish you all a wonderful and restful holiday and look forward to seeing everyone back and refreshed in Term 3. 

Year 9 Parents - Jobs and Skills Pathways Expo 


The Southern Grampians Shire Council is hosting a Jobs and Skills Pathways Expo in the afternoon of 16 July and all day for schools on Wednesday the 17 of July. 


The Year 9s are booked in to attend the Expo on Wednesday 17 July at 11am - 12.15pm. Students will walk to and from the Hamilton Performing Arts Centre for the event. Mr Ben Hawthorne will be accompanying students, along with their class teachers. 

Rist 2025