Learning and Teaching

BOOK WEEK: 17th - 23rd August.
Get ready to celebrate your favourite books, characters , illustrators and authors with 2024 Children's Book Week theme; Reading is Magic. We're celebrating reading stories and their amazing power to transport minds and encouraging learners to be curious about the wonders in our world. During this week learners will be engaged in various Book Week learning experiences and of course a fabulous parade. More information will be provided in Term 3.
The Foundation learners have been busy this term building their understanding of using descriptive words in a sentence. We have engaged in many sensory experiences to help us use our sense to describe the experience. From sour worms and apples to fruit loops and lemons! We have loved the conversations and descriptive words we have come up with for these experiences.
The Foundation learners have also been busy describing their favourite place in Echuca and surrounds. They have been learning to locate these places on a map and explaining their significance.
Year 3
Reconciliation Week Over the course of Reconciliation Week, Year 3 Learners engaged in English and Mathematics experiences connected to our Inquiry unit, ‘What Has Shaped Australia?’. Learners explored songs with important messages about our Nation's history, including ‘Took the Children Away’ by Archie Roach and ‘From Little Things Big Things Grow’ by Paul Kelly. They created blackout poetry and used visualisation strategies to deepen their understanding.
In Mathematics, Learners sequenced events from the song ‘I Am Australian’ by Bruce Woodley into a timeline. Additionally, they learned about Yorta Yorta activist William Cooper, who fought for justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. Below are some samples of the students' work.