Catholic Identity

‘Behold I make all things new’ (Rev. 21:5).
We are encouraged to revisit Our Catholic Education Sandhurst theme for 2024 throughout the year and if you saw the sunrise today, it was illuminating. Just like Jesus, each new day brings hope and renewal. God comforts us in our fear, brings hope to the hopeless, brings new life and purpose out of nothingness, and longs to transform your heart if you give him permission to.
As we enter into what is known as ‘Ordinary Time’, in this ordered time we have endless opportunities to grow in God’s love and faith. As we listen to Jesus’ words and actions as they have been handed on to us in the Gospel, we continue to contemplate what he reveals to us. The liturgical season’s colour of green, a symbol of ongoing life and hope. How can we grow, to live our lives in the imitation of Jesus?
Each day a new morning,
A new day in Christ.
Renewed in the Spirit,
In new hope we arise.
Learn from what was done,
New creation has come.
Be anxious for nothing,
In Christ we are one.
Today we give thanks
For life, love & beauty,
For faith, hope and wholeness,
We give thanks for the provision of all things good.
Social Justice
If you can spare some nonperishable items from your pantry to support St. Vincent DePauls Food Pantry or meat and vegetables for our Care Meal program. It would be wonderful to warm some hearts with nutritious, lifegiving food for those in need in our Echuca Moama community. Our Social justice initiatives are deeply connected to our Catholic faith, reflecting Jesus' teachings of love, compassion, and service to others and we are working towards upholding the dignity and rights of every individual.
Holly Morris
Catholic Identity Leader
50 Years of Catholic Education