Celebrations, Observations, Adventures, Shout-Outs and Triumphs

 Responsible Service of Alcohol Certificate


Our Year 11 & 12 VCE VM students completed their Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) certificate at the Kurrambee Myaring Community Centre. Students engaged with theory and practical content (don't worry it's all filled with water only!). Students learnt all about current liquor laws and their responsibilities in keeping the community safe. 


We are always so proud of how our students interact with members of the public and trainers and this was no different! . They are an excellent representation of our school and vocational program


Thanks to the SC Shire for organising and a special shout out to Ella S for cooking up a pancake breakfast for our students! 


Year 9 Walking on Country Excursion


Surf Coast Secondary College Year 9 students were invited by Surf Coast Shire Youth to join a cultural education session with Ash from the Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation. 


This two-hour immersive experience saw us travel to multiple important cultural sites around Djilang / Geelong. Ash shared and abundance of knowledge about his culture’s deep connection to this land, how it can be used and the impact and survival of colonisation on Wadawurrung People.


It was an incredible opportunity for both staff and students to get a broader understanding of the rich history and culture of the land we live and learn on every day.


We would like to extend our thanks to the Ash and the Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation for his powerful storytelling and deeply insightful knowledge he shared with us on the day.


   Year 9 Outdoor Education - Mountain Biking

Outdoor Education (ODE) at Surf Coast Secondary College offers a range of practical activities as part of the program, which support student to build their teamwork, communication, initiative and problem solving skills. 


On the 18th July our Year 9 ODE students spent morning mountain biking at the Anglesea Bike Park. With perfect weather conditions, students enjoyed exploring the wonderful terrain right on our doorstep.

VM Mentor Program

Shout out to Mark Gee and Matthew Torney for coming in to work with our students over the last two Fridays!


Mark shared valuable insights into interview skills, preparation and identifying personal areas of interest. His extensive background in Plumbing, Travel, Outdoor Adventure industries and now Mental Health/Wellbeing  sparked some great discussion on careers and pathway transitions.


Matthew, who is the Director at Muirfield Financial Services gave students some invaluable financial advice and also focused on ‘positive psychology’ in all aspects of life.


Both absolute legends and great people and very much appreciated by all students!