From the Classroom


We are two weeks into our Gymnastics and the children are loving this extra-curricular activity. The excited smiles and chatter on the bus travelling there is part of the whole experience. We have another two weeks which will take us to the end of Term 2.  What a special way to end Semester One!!


Our literacy block in the first two hours of our school day always comprises of a big book and task, as well as Phonics. We have covered almost all letters/sounds of the alphabet and we have been pleased with the results in our mid-year testing. Explicit handwriting lessons of each letter has also been an integral part of these sessions. With everyday practice, the skill of pencil control to form letters will become fluent and legible. Blending to make words is also a heavy component of our phonics’ lesson. Thank you for your care with our decodable take home books to practice sounding out to decode. We are keeping very careful tabs of these as our school has invested a large sum of money to include these in our Reading Program.


The children are thoroughly enjoying our Joy Cowley big book series of Dan the Flying Man.  I am sure they can chat to you about their favourite one.  So far, we have read Little Dan, Dan the Flying Man and Dan’s Lost Hat. This week, using the word “hat” we have undertaken learning tasks of the “At Word Family”.  A photo of our list of words has been attached in photos. 


Comprehension strategies we have focussed on this term are retell, predicting and asking questions.  Photos of our anchor charts for classroom visual support has also been attached. We refer to these daily in our modelled reading. 


Mathematics has involved skip counting by 10s and 5s to 100, as well as basic addition to 12.  To solve the addition problems the children have used visual pictures to count all, as well as the use of a number line to 20.  Most children have mastered the counting by 10s. However, counting by 5s is a challenge. Oral practice of this at home would be beneficial and easily done. For example, in the car on the way to school.


At the moment, lots of illnesses are prevalent in our school. Please be vigilant in keeping unwell children at home. In regard to gastro and vomiting, it is the Education Policy to keep children at home at least 48 hrs after last symptom. 


Mid-year reports are almost complete, and they will be email out to you Week 11.  We are so proud of the Foundation class and the achievements they have made in a short 5 months of beginning school  … academically, socially and emotionally.  We would like to thank you all for your support throughout the term. Home/school partnerships are greatly valued, and they certainly contribute to your child’s success at school.  

Art News

The Grade 5/6 students have been busy working on their animal collages the past few weeks. They were asked to choose a photo of an animal, print it out, then use it as a guide for their collage. Arianna was the first to finish, and I am sure you will join me in congratulating Arianna for her intricate design, her incredible use of colour and spectacular end result. Well done to all the Grade 5/6 students for all your hard work and effort in this activity!

Science News

Continuing our work on solids, liquids and gases, the Grade 3/4 students learnt about solubility last week. Students explored the materials that can dissolve in water to make a solution, and those that can’t. Students predicted what they thought would happen, then used a myriad of skills to measure, observe and make judgements on their investigations. There were certainly some interesting conversations throughout the session. Amazing work Grade 3/4! Please enjoy these photos of Grade 3 in the process of their investigations.