Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Carers,



The Sacrament of Confirmation celebrated last Friday night at the Killara and Lindfield churches by Bishop Robert was a very special occasion. The ceremonies left a lasting impression on everyone present. The bishop’s words and the solemnity of the sacrament reinforced the commitment and faith of those being confirmed. It was lovely to see so many families, friends, parish and staff members present. A special thank you to Maia Schulze and the parents of the candidates for preparing the children so well. Bishop Robert, Father Colin and Father Stephen were very impressed by the children's depth of knowledge of the sacrament.


Killara 5pm Celebration: Éabha C., Sophia L., Benjamin S., Iris M., Oliver R. and Harrison R.


Lindfield 7pm Celebration: Conor B., Janice G., Andrea G., Isabella K., Jia H., Richard L., Yan C., Jaslyn L., Tze C., Ashlyn L., Isaac W., Louis A., Isabelle K., Ellie L., Danielle W. and Zander B.


Athletics Carnival Wrap-up

The Holy Family Athletics Carnival was a resounding success with some truly remarkable performances from our young students. I apologise for being absent from such an important school event as I was required to attend a System Leaders Day at Head Office. 


This is a summary from the feedback I received:

It was terrific to see students cheering for each other and celebrating every effort, big or small. This friendly rivalry not only fostered a sense of community but also encouraged teamwork. The smile on the students' faces and the sense of achievement they felt were truly heartwarming. We are proud of each and every student for their participation and effort. It was wonderful to have so many parents join us for the day. 


A special heartfelt thank you to the volunteers who helped with event coordination, scoring, and other tasks-your assistance was invaluable. A huge "Thank You" to Miss Bartos for organising a fantastic carnival. Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this event such a wonderful success. 



NESA has advised that the 2024 NAPLAN results for Year 3 and Year 5 will be dispatched to schools for distribution to parents at the start of Term 3. I am delighted to share that the preliminary results have been exceptional in all domains, showcasing the hard work and dedication of our students and staff. We look forward to sharing the detailed results with you and celebrating the individual and collective successes of our students.


School Playground Update

I am delighted to share some exciting news about our school playground. The scope of works is due to be completed during the school holidays. We are eagerly looking forward to unveiling the new and improved playground at the start of Term 3, ready for the children to enjoy. We believe these improvements will greatly enhance the play experiences and physical activity opportunities for all our children. Thank you to the P&F and parents for the amazing fundraising to allow this to happen.



Holy Family: Where Years 5 and 6 Soar to Success!



Date: Wednesday, 31st July 

Time: 6.00pm - 7.30pm

Presented by: Principal, Leadership Team and Year 5 & 6 Students

All parents from Kindergarten to Year 6 are invited to join us for an informative and inspiring evening where you'll discover the exceptional learning opportunities and unique experiences that Holy Family offers to our Year 5 and 6 students. Learn why our school is the best place for your child to continue their educational journey. Don't miss this chance to see first-hand the programs and activities that help our students soar to success!


Thank you for your continued support in making our school a nurturing and dynamic environment for all.


Pauline Dinale 


Final 2024 Open Day 

If you know any prospective parents looking to enrol their child into Holy Family, we ask you to pass on the details about our final Open Day for 2024.


Event information:

Date: Thursday, August 1 

Time: 9:00am


Our Open Day will include:

  • A meet-and-greet with our Principal
  •  Interacting with teachers and senior students
  • A glimpse into a typical day at our school
  • A tour of the school facilities 

Please click here to register your interest. 

Please  CLICK HERE to read the Parents Charter from Catholic Schools Broken Bay.


Enrolments for Kindergarten 2025 

To enquire about sibling enrolments for Kindergarten 2025, please contact the school office or **Click here to ENROL siblings starting in 2025**


Phone: (02) 7256 2141

Click here to view our school calendar



Week 10 
Tuesday 2 July

Stage 3 Geography Expo for K-6 parents 9am

Stage 2 Touch Tag Gala Day at Koola Park, East Killara  

Thursday 4 July 

School Tours 9am 

Coffee Connect 8.30 am 

Term 2 concludes for students.

Friday 5 July

Staff Development Day -System Day - CSBB Pedagogical Framework 


Monday 11 July

                                                Term 3 

Staff Development Day - Focus on Curriculum Fluency, Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension 

Tuesday 23 July Students resume for Term 3
Wed. 31st July Years 5 and 6 Soar to Success! Presentation
Friday 2 AugustCensus Day
Wed. 7 August Holy Family Public Speaking Finals
Thursday 8 AugustSt Mary of the Cross Liturgy
Friday 9 August SPARK Day - Science
Tuesday 13 AugustBook Week Parade
Wed. 14 AugustBook Week Performance
Thursday 15 AugustSolemnity of the Assumption Mass
Monday 19 AugustStaff Spirituality Day
Wed. 21 AugustP&F Forum
Friday 30 August

Father's Day Mass

Creative Arts Prize submission

Fri. 6 to Sun.8 Sept.Lindfield Art Show and Fair
Fri. 13 Sept.Musica Viva
Wed. 18 Sept.

First Eucharist Parent's meeting

SPARK - Sacred Geometry

Thurs. 19 Sept.Senior School Gold Rush Day
Sunday 22 Sept.Synodal Gathering No. 2
Thursday 26 September

Zing Activ Dance Challenge at Olympic Park

Ignite Conference

Term 3 concludes for students

Friday 27 SeptStaff Development Day - Focus on Mathematics Curriculum 

2024 Important Dates

Term 1 
Monday 15th April – Sunday 28th AprilSchool Holidays
Term 2 
Tuesday 30th AprilTerm 2 Starts
Thursday 4th JulyTerm 2 Ends
Monday 8th July – Sunday 21st JulySchool Holidays
Term 3 
Tuesday 23rd JulyTerm 3 Starts
Thursday 26th SeptemberTerm 3 Ends
Monday 30th September – Sunday 13th OctoberSchool Holidays
Term 4 
Monday 14th OctoberTerm 4 Starts
Wednesday 18th DecemberADVENT Mass and Last Day for students

Coles Development Update

Last week the site has made some progress, see below items that were achieved.

  • Continue with the Level 1 Unit Fit Outs
  • Continue with the Level 2 Unit Fit Outs
  • Pouring the parapets on the roof
  • Pouring overruns and walls on the roof

Over the coming week we anticipate the below

  • Pour the remaining parapets on the roof on Tower B
  • Form up the walls on Tower A 
  • Continue with the Level 1 Unit Fit Outs 
  • Commence the Level 2 parting walls in Units
  • Continue the rendering to the Western Elevation
  • Commence the Sandstone to the façade on Southern & Western Elevation