Secondary Sub School Rooms 19 - 27

Ashley Stace - Secondary Sub School Leader

Hello everyone,

We are nearly done with Term 2. Reports are finished or being finalised as we speak. The Yaluk building is officially complete with the announcement that room 25 is ready. 

The secondary students have enjoyed using playground 6 and the basketball gymnasium for playground times. We will continue to use these areas as yard spaces for the remainder of the year. 

Excursions are taking place regularly. Secondary will also be very busy during Term 3 considering how many excursion forms have come across my desk. These excursions are important for life skills and experiences.

Look at some photos of the Secondary Sub School below. 

Kind regards,

Ash Stace.


Room 27


During Literacy, students have been exposed to fiction texts. They have made text to self connections using a variety of picture story books. 

In Numeracy students have been working on recognising fractions. They are learning to identify whole, halves and quarters.